26th Chapter: atzénta enós paidioú

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

26th Chapter: atzénta enós paidioú

Deciding against their best interests and adhering to their child's wishes, the whole Connell family visited the guild. An expression of complete glee overwhelmed the infant's face as she practically jumped up and down with her excitement. It had been quite a few days since she had come back to her favorite place. She looked up at her parents, thanking them with a big, warm smile.

Too blinded by her happiness, she overlooked the way her parents scrunched up their strong visages, their expressions irresolute. Both were thinking twice about their decision when they entered. Immediately their daughter ran to greet the faces she'd missed.

The first to express their disapproval was the father. His scowl remained unmoved as he pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed for the zillionth time. He watched as she squealed with laughter and ran towards the members giving them each a hug. Seeing his daughter happy put a tiny smile on his face. However, the anxiety came back, wiping his content look. The transition of his emotional state went noticed by his wife, looking down to see her hand squeezing his.

His wife managed a feigned smile to crawl onto her face as she gazed at him with assuring eyes. Between the couple, she seemed to be the calmer one, but deep inside, she felt the same. Looking over at her daughter, her smile stretched from ear to ear. "She's really happy here."

Alzack bobbed his head in assent. He followed his wife's gaze before speaking, "Why did we even bring her here? There's a dangerous person inside this building, who knows what danger awaits." He skimmed the room, feeling quite relieved for having not spotted a blue-black crown in the crowd.

Bisca sighed, allowing her eyes to wander from her child to her husband. She gave his hand another squeeze. "We can't risk losing her again. She'll just run away like last time." He huffed at her words, but she knew he agreed with her. "We should be thankful that someone from our guild found her and helped her back."

He was silent a moment. He became a little crestfallen upon remembering that incident. "I still feel guilty for letting that happen," Dropping down, and eyes looking away, he willed himself to remain still. Just the idea that, something else could have happened to his daughter pricked tears from his eyes.

Seeing his inner turmoil, the cowgirl felt her heart clench in sympathy. A glowing blush adorned her cheeks, as she yanked him into a hug. "We won't let that happen again, don't worry." She stared into his eyes before quickly pulling away. Even after many years of marriage, she was still not used to the public display of affection. Her husband also had the same flushed face and surprised eyes.

The comfort of her touch always managed to soothe him. His reeling mind was momentarily pulled into ease as he offered a little strained smile. Bringing his attention back to his child, he caught her running back in his direction. Her little arms were spread out, wanting him to pick her up and carry her.

"Daddy!" She cheered while wrapping her arms around her father's neck in a big hug. He gave her chubby cheek a kiss. She giggled, then pouted. "Mira said Lulu and the others have gone out on a mission."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Bisca patted her back gently. "I'm sure they'll be back soon."

Asuka grinned and clapped her hands. "I know! They will kick butt for sure!" Squirming in her father's arms, she thoughtfully looked around the crowd. Her parents did exactly the same thing, confused, but also quite curious as to what she was looking for.

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