31st Chapter: Paliá paichnídia

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

31st Chapter: Paliá paichnídia

Black eyes looked up, staring indifferently at the buff blonde. Though he mimicked her image of repose, Adia proved to be a better silent schmuck with her indignant mask.

She distinctly remembered his power, and even though she proclaimed herself a conqueror, and doubly superior, his lightning speed was something that should never be overlooked.

"Wait, you know this kid, Laxus?" From the corner stepped forth a ginger, eyeing her intently through the silver spectacles. The degradation ticked her off.

Laxus was thinking on those lines. He snorted, but nevertheless, answered, "She sometimes visited the guild with her mother when she was younger," He saw her flinch and compose herself, and he nodded his head as though understanding.

"How come Gray and the others don't recognize her? Weren't they also coming to Fairy Tail since they were kids?" Freed was gauging her strength, checking for muscles that would tell him she'd be able to fight back.

"It was long before Gray, Erza, and Mira joined. I could say some of the older members might identify her, but only vaguely."

"So she's like... your age? No offense, but she looks a full ten years younger than you, Laxus." Bickslow's tongue stretched out toward her direction.

The small of Adia's mouth twitched, directly expressing her annoyance. But she didn't ignore them. Like what the greenhead did, she openly glowered at them, feeling their magic. She settled her gaze on Laxus. "I suspect Makarov had already made a convincing case to you."

The tall blonde smirked. But here came the spectacled female butting into the conversation, "We're the Thunder Legion, and we were notified by the master himself that you were looking for a group." She stood at the head of a nearby table, grinning as she posed with a strange glint in her eye.

"You're very welcome to join us," The greenhead's hand went to the hilt of his sword. "But, I was wondering if maybe we could test your abilities first."

"What Freed said, hehe."

Both sides sighed; Adia in annoyance; Laxus in merriment. "You're either blind or want your ass kicked." He crossed his arms over his muscular chest, looking across at her unfazed face. He was not surprised, however, to see her unrelenting attention to his body.

"I don't really mind if you wish to join us, whatever. But I also know you'll regret it if you let this chance of fighting slip away." Sighing, he looked over to the window. "It's nearly midnight and definitely dark out there. And I'm not really in the mood to fight."

Digging deep into his pocket, he pulled out a golden coin and thrust it forward. Adia's stare narrowed. "Remember this?"

"Darkness or daylight, I'm prepared to fight, Laxus." Freed tried to act in direct opposition, but Laxus extended an arm, halting him in his tracks. For just a moment he melted.

"I hate to say this, but I don't think she's interested in you." The legion stuck their heads out and took a peek. Indeed, the brunette didn't even spare them a second glance.

"Well? What do you say?" Laxus lifted the coin to eye level.

Adia glared at him in cold fury, but then to his surprise detected a glint of genuine amusement in her eyes. "Fine. I accept."

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