600-Heart Special!

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I would like to shout out a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you for being patient and had since tuned in to this ongoing series. In Quotev this story has reached over 600 hearts and to celebrate this, I wrote an extra chapter! I felt the fluff while writing this part, and I hope I'm not alone with this XD

Anyways, stay awesome guys and I hope you like this one!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

600-Heart Special!

Staring up at the fairly normal entrance, Makarov released a breath through his old rusty chapped lips, then raised his fist to the door to announce his presence. Knock Knock. There was a great shuffling and a disorientation on the other side of the door, and as he waited he positioned his hands behind him.

"Is this the house?"


A split second later he heard a sound from within the room, a wild kind of a tumbling-all-over-the-place, and not long after, the door swung open. With a sweep of his gray lashes, he looked up at the kind host, before looking past the young male and around the apartment as if searching for someone. He blinked once.

"Where's Adia?"

"M-Master?" Kalel blinked his wide eyes and copied the old man's expression. Makarov was sure, if the purplette didn't have a nice looking plate of tacos in his hands, he would've rubbed his purple orb. "O-Oh hey! Good evening, Master. What brings you here on this fine evening?"

Without any doubt whatsoever, the infamous guild master made his way past the bewildered purplette into the fairly furnished room. He tilted his large balding head upwards to consult the ceiling, his nose, packed with a bushy moustache, flared at the scent of food.

Light chuckles erupted behind his short stature. "Since you're already here, why don't you join us for dinner? I'm only halfway through cooking though, so you'll have to wait a little bit longer,"

There was a bright twinkle in Makarov's eyes as he whipped his head around. So kind... "Thank you, child. I didn't really know what to expect when I got here, but a little bit of food wouldn't hurt."

That beatific smile wreathed Kalel's face and he was just about shut the door closed behind him, but it banged back open again, startling the purplette. He almost dropped the two tacos-! Makarov sighed with relief when the young male's grip held and he was able to gain his balance.

"Did someone say free food?!"

Almost half of the guild, with Natsu leading the front line, barged into the one-bedroom apartment and began filtering directly into the living room or dining room or into the kitchen. A cold sweat broke out on Kalel's forehead as he watched his guildmates walk through the archway, one by one.

Mirajane was the last to follow, and as she approached, she sent the aproned purplette a grateful smile. "I didn't know you could cook, Kalel," then she tilted her head to one side. "I hope you wouldn't mind serving extra, 'cause we will be joining you for dinner too."

From his cross-legged position on the kitchen counter, Makarov bobbed his head in a wise nod, called out to the young male in the pink apron, "I had planned to visit with Team Natsu only since they knew where Adia lived, but Mira and the others insisted on tagging along. Hope you don't mind."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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