35th Chapter: Epimoní kai Apogoítefsi

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

35th Chapter: Epimoní kai Apogoítefsi

After the train had arrived at Magnolia's station, Team Natsu headed back across town toward the guild. After hopping off the transport, Natsu's condition immediately improved, his eager personality undoubtedly rubbing off on his rival, who, breathed a contented sigh of relief as he stretched his arms out. He looked over at his new teammate, the giddy grin never leaving his face when she followed them suitably.

Even though he knew that Erza's sneer wasn't really directed at him, he admitted that he felt intimidated by it. He'd noticed that his scarlet-headed friend never really gave Adia any space. Cautious energy wavered in the air; he could practically taste prudence on his tongue. Next he looked over at the other brunette who didn't annoy him at first glance. Lucy tried to talk to her, but as usual she wouldn't say a word back. In the end, her bird companion covered for her.

I will find out what happened to you and help you, Adia. For once he sent his gaze high over Erza's head to where Gray was gnashing some chunk of ice and stripping. He spotted determination in his droopy eyes. If possible, his grin grew wider. He was glad stripper felt the same way.

They passed familiar houses on comfortable streets, nodded to fans who stopped at crosswalks. They passed old trees, with Natsu skipping away merrily. Sure he'd only been gone for two whole days, but an almost unadmitted afterthought, he missed beating everyone up. With Happy flying beside him, he marched onwards down the familiar path, only stopping when some dude blocked his way.

"Oh, hey! Sorry I ran into you like that, but can you move―" Happily he stepped aside to go around the guy, but to his shock, the dude's hand shot out and gripped his arm, throwing him harshly backward and to the ground. "What the hell!"

His sensitive ears caught a hmph-ing noise, but he didn't drop his gaze from the stranger just a few feet away from him. "What do you want?"

A chuckle broke beneath the mask, poisoned the air. It surprised him how someone much smaller than him could represent sounds as great and deep. "I merely came here to give Lady Adrestia a friendly warning and some advice—if it's necessary. I guess this pertains to you as well, since, you're her 'teammates' now."

Team Natsu, all except for Adia, sported this confused look on their faces. Lucy grunted, already thinking the stranger was bad news, both Natsu and Gray were growling like animals, Erza's glare intensified. Her eyes travelled back and forth between Adia and the stranger, her sharp mind drawing conclusions of her own.

"Lady Adrestia?" The celestial mage rolled the title across her tongue, reeling back as she noticed the masked man finding amusement at her confused frown. She stared at Adia with a question in her eyes. "What does he mean by that, Adia?"

By now, all eyes were fully on the silent female, demanding an answer of some sort. The expressions on their faces ranged from mildly suspicious to simply curious. Natsu was one of the two who exhibited the latter, his anger slowly rising and directed toward no one but the stranger up front.

Erza strictly ordered the brunette to spill, but she merely knit her eyebrows into a furrow, her eyes narrowing at the masked male. "What do you want now?" She was fully aware of the bold step the redhead took, and for a moment her gaze flickered.

A bubble of laughter escaped from the man's mouth, his covered hands flying down to his sides. The group eyed him again, more warily this time; their bodies were tense, their blood stirred, ready for a fight, for action of any kind. "How can you be so rude, Lady Adrestia? I thought they were your friends now," Wiped the invisible tears from the eye holes, he took his time containing his mirth. The dragonslayer looked about ready to punch the crap out of him, so he raised his hand out in front of him like halting traffic. "I didn't come over here to fight with you, like I said, I just have something to share with you."

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