28th Chapter: I provlimatikí katástasi

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Hey guys sorry for the late update, I've been distracted by a lot of things for a while but now I'm back! Thank you so much for being patient and understanding ♥

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

28th Chapter: I provlimatikí katástasi

"What are you doing here?" Adia asked with her usual sharp tone. A whirlpool of weapons circled around the area, leaving no space for an infilling of interruptions. During this venture, she observed the flying objects.

The lone member chuckled and took several steps toward her. "I should be asking you that question." A smirk laid on his lips so thick one could practically see it dripping even through the mask. The sounds of his footsteps stopped when the glint of a sharp blade flashed in his eyes. Letting his gaze travel to the bearer, he took a teasing tone. "Ooh, why so tense? I just wanted to have a chat,"

Pointing the tip of the sword up the space between the boy's eyebrows, Adia's pair of great black eyes looked straight at the invisible eyes behind the mask. "How did you know about it?" She stressed the last word with such clear meaning, obviously wanting a straight answer.

The youngster responded with playful nonchalance. "About what?" With an exaggerated bend to his hips, he leant forward and rested his head on the razor-sharp blade. A very trifling crack formed in the center of his mask as the tip worked like a drill. "Aren't you going to remove this? It could kill me."

Adia still remained in her offensive stance as she gave a suspicious lift of her brow. "I hate repeating myself," she said, glowering. "Speak now before you regret it." She could feel the observance of the boy's eyes distinctly through the mask and she tried to peer beneath. A small glint of his eyes reflected in the moonlight. Near black orbs stared back at her.

Seconds passed before the youngster made some distinct movement. Not bothering to remove his head from the sharp end, he tilted his head to the side in an innocent manner. "Huh? But I thought you weren't allowed to kill anyone." He dragged his words out and his voice went high like a child's. He made a tsk-tsk sound and added, "You know, you need to learn other ways of intimidating people, ways that doesn't involve pointing your sword out like some usual amateur."

Pushing her grip forward, Adia saw her sword pierce through the mask. A small droplet of blood poured out of the tiny chink, drawing a small wince from the boy. "Just because I'm restrained doesn't mean I'm not capable of much else," she said, speaking slow. "I could make you feel death without killing you."

They indulged in another staring session before the youngster backed away. His goofy demeanor never changed as he squeaked when he raised his hand and touched the wound. "Still as strict and impatient as ever," he said, with more than the merest hint of alarm in his voice. The sword remained in position and he raised a daring eyebrow. "You do realize you're surrounded by multitudes of my weapons, and you'd have a very hard time dodging them if you tried?" The sound of clanking metal intensified as if emphasizing his point.

Chuckling a little, Adia asserted, "It would be a very foolish thing to expect that a mere dozen weapons could stop me," The sound got even louder in the hopes of intimidating her. But she didn't budge. "But then again, you're from that dark guild, it's expected for you to be weak."

"Obviously, you're still a power-hungry machine. Evaluating one's abilities and those who are perceivably weaker gets the cold shoulder." The youngster easily arranged, rewarding him with the questioning scowl on her face. "Yes, many previous members of my guild have failed to capture you because of their lack of the necessary 'power'. But like I said, I'm here to try a different method," Ignoring the lingering pain in his head, he used his hands to point to the enshrouding weapons. "These aren't for show, they're here to check if another one would decide to follow." His tone was thick with disturbing mischief and excitement.

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