18th Chapter: To Paidí kai to órama

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It had been days since Adia had joined Fairy Tail. She should have already made friends by now but that wasn't the case. A complete stranger, that's what she was, and she was fine in that regard. As long as they stay out of her way, she does not care.

The guild's perspective was different though, they've been wanting to make conversation with the new girl since she had joined. She may be ignorant and quite ill-mannered, but they do believe that there was a cause behind the behaviour. And they were willing to find out about that.

It was morning and already, the guild hall was filled with its usual inhabitants. The drunkards had already sat at the bar and were drinking their beer, the disruptive fight-starters were tucked away in a corner of the room, rehearsing their own arguments to themselves, and the remaining 'normal people' were seated around tables, discussing normal everyday things.

Lucy was one of many people in the 'normal' group who spoke of things that were not out of the ordinary. She spoke of her celestial spirits, her house, her rent, and mostly, of the new girl. Lately, the only topic that comprised her head was apropos of Adia, and because of that, the others on her team can't help but dwell on as well.

"A little bit later, she'd enter..." Intensifying her gaze at the door, a smile etched the blonde's face as she saw the one she'd been expecting slide inside. Her attention was too focused on the brunette, she missed the concerned looks her team was giving her. "The next step is.."

"Um, Lucy, are you okay?" Wendy asked but her words fell on deaf ears because said girl was already on her way to meet Adia. She sighed as she saw the defeated look the blonde had while walking back to them. "How was it?"

Lucy sat down, "The same as always, but this time she had already turned away before I even had the chance to call her." She looked back at the door and exhaled. Adia had left again. "What is she doing? She's always gone too long and it's not like she had anything going on anyway."

Erza put a thoughtful finger to her chin. "She's been like that for five days straight now. Master said not to get suspicious, but it's hard to with the way she acts."

"Y–Yeah right." The blue haired girl said, trying not to stutter. Her eyes were fixed on the floor and it caught the attention of the redhead.

"Wendy, you've been nervous ever since Adia got here." Erza looked down at the young girl's companion, "You too Carla. The two of you have been acting different lately. Is there something you're not telling us?"

The exceed's eyes went wide and she frowned. She looked like she was having an ongoing battle with herself. "What are you talking about?"

Lucy interrupted. "I agree with Erza; it's obvious something's bothering you, and I am guessing that that something is related to Adia."

At the mention of the name, the white cat shivered and an expression of worry crossed Wendy's face. Carla was the same with her, she twitched whenever Adia's name was mentioned. It was as if the name was poison.

"Is there a new image?" The young girl asked while reaching out to pull her exceed. She cradled the shaking fur ball, whose eyes were tightly closed as if she were remembering a nightmare. The two endowed women closed in on the scene and one of them was intending to call for help but the cat spoke and stopped her.

"Lucy, no. I don't want anyone to worry." Carla slowly opened her eyes, she looked so fatigued, Wendy held her tight. "I'm not too sure yet—I've only seen pieces, so don't tell anyone yet, especially Master.."

Lucy opened her mouth to speak but Erza cut her off. "Pieces? Images of the future?"

The cat only stared into space so Wendy answered for her. "Since Adia's arrival here, she'd been having some very strange dreams, some premonition of some sort. She'd only seen some glimpses, and.." She couldn't finish her sentence as fear took hold of her. Instead, a whimper escaped her lips as she recalled what Carla had said.

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