300-Heart Special!

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the support on this story! So in Quotev I've reached over 300 hearts and it's bizarre! And so to celebrate that, here's an extra chapter! Hope you like it!

Oh and the picture above is Adia's face. I made that artwork a year ago and idk why I only decided to post it now..

Anyways, love youguys! And as always, stay awesome!


300-Heart Special!

Lucy and the other girls were standing at the counter, talking about some random stuff. The scene inside the guild was of its usual nature, and it was a pretty normal day. That is, until they started talking about men and their love lives.

The teasing started almost immediately. It came mostly from Mirajane and Cana since they had no one paired up with them. A visible sweat drop formed upon Lucy's forehead. She was certain this had happened before..

The two bullies linked each girl with a partner, except for one. Adrestia Polemos, who in fact, was not in the group, probably off to her own business. That girl was a bit of a loner, so they weren't too surprised at her absence. But still, they couldn't help but think of who was the man for her.

Mirajane developed an idea though, "I bet she would be cute with Gray!" She had a dreamy look, contrasting the murderous one Juvia had.

"And why is that? Gray-sama is only for me!"

Lucy somehow agreed and nodded. "I mean, they both have the same hair color.."

"You have no right to talk, love rival." The water mage pointed while glaring so intensely each person in the group had a bead of cold sweat running down their face.

"Her personality matches Gajeel's though, so I think he would be the best for her," Erza exclaimed which made Levy jump in her seat and nearly choke on her gasp.

"How are they similar!"

"They're both easily intimidated."

"That doesn't even make sense." The petite girl sighed then looked down at her lap. The blonde tried to lift her obvious gloomy mood.

"Speaking of personalities..." Everybody turned their attention to the white-haired woman who had her index finger pointed to her own chin. She looked absorbed in thought. "I believe opposites attract."

The other perked up. "What are you saying?" Cana asked while taking another sip of beer.

"I think Natsu and Adia would make an adorable couple! Don't you think?"

All the girls in the circle stopped and looked at Mirajane like she just grew another head. Was she insane? For all they know, the new girl was annoyed with Natsu, and that was evident.

"Are you serious?" Lucy and Lisanna blurted out and the woman behind the counter only smiled sweetly.

"Sorry guys."

"What are you sorry for!" The blonde reacted violently while pointing an accusing finger in Mirajane's face. The latter giggled then directed her attention to her sister.

"Are you alright there Lisanna?"

Said girl's face went red and she too reacted strongly. "Big sister, shut up!"

The group started laughing at the expression Lucy and Lisanna had as their faces turned an embarrassed shade of red and puffed out like a disturbed toad. Erza, being quite reserved, smiled contently. It was moments like these that had made the guild feel peaceful despite the tension and all the other shit going on in the magic world—

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