27th Chapter: To mystiriódes Pigí

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

27th Chapter: To mystiriódes Pigí

Arriving in the dark of night was the search out group that hailed from Magnolia. There the mountainous range sat in all its glory, Clover Town's most prized attraction. They got off the train, immediately finding themselves in the midst of the crowd.

Eventually the dragon slayer overcame his motion sickness and was back to full strength. He lifted his nose up in the breezy air, sniffed a large whiff. His sensitive nose never failed him, and instantly he constructed a piece of track. He pointed in its direction, about to sprint off but a giant hand and a low grunt stopped him.

Gildarts shook his head. "Since you already know its direction, we can continue the search tomorrow." Natsu protested, but the rest of the team nodded adamantly. "It's late and we don't know what we might find. Plus, if we run during the night, people might think we're burglars or something worse."

"I've gotta admit, he's kinda right." Lucy said. The dragon slayer looked at her with a crossed expression. She defended herself, "Natsu, what if we find someone or something that's too strong? I'm kind of worn out from the trip." The train was always on a constant stop because of maintenance problems. And the shunts triggered her headaches.

Natsu blinked as he walked up. "But what if he's already on the move? What if he disappears tomorrow?" He looked back towards the path that led to the scent, a longing huff of air escaping his nostrils. The exact location was still a tangled mess in his head, but the steps leading to it was far stronger than the scent he had picked up before. There was no doubt of it. The source was near.

Gildarts looked straight at the boy. That thought crossed his mind, but veered away as reasoning overcame him. "Hey squirt, are you sure it's in this town?" Natsu looked at him confused so he elaborated, "Remembering what you said before, the scent should either be in one of the four towns or beyond." Everybody now turned to him in question. His forehead wrinkled with concentration as he laid out the information. "Actually, now that I think about it, your question makes a lot of sense. What if he was constantly moving around?"

Musing over his words, Lucy paused to think. Always quick with the analysis, her face contorted as the revelation sank in. "Then that would mean..."

"..Our journey here, is useless." Gray finished, finding himself on the same page with the blonde. He glanced up, surprised, at his rival's stern expression.

"Useless?" echoed Natsu, still not meeting anyone's eye. "The fact that we have a trail of scent in front of us is enough evidence. We could just follow it and see whatever is at the other end," He wore a steadfast expression, a faraway look the trio immediately recognized.

Distinguishing the boy's headstrong temperament, Gildarts gave his input as well, "Well, not exactly useless. If you look from a different angle, this squirt is onto something. Right?" He looked at Natsu hopefully.

The pinkette looked him in the eye for a moment and then said very quietly, "Hehe, of course I did." His tone trailed off, obviously conflicted. A facepalm moment happened between the blonde and the brunette. Both released simultaneous sighs. "Hey! The old man said I do have a point, so stop all your sighing." He pointed one finger at the two with a childish pout.

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