1st Chapter: dýnamis

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"Step aside." She said with a bored look on her face, "My business is not with you."

"We won't let you get to her!"
"You won't hurt the princess!"

She clicked her tongue out of annoyance, "Don't tell me you're afraid to show your face to me that you're sending me small fry."

"S-Small fry?! Just who do you think you are!"
"Were chosen by the mistress and our strength is as strong as-"

"As strong as what?" She interrupted, rolling her eyes.

"You don't stand a chance against us!"
"A girl like you?"

"Tch. If you value your own life, stay out of the way." She equipped a silver long sword that could be weilded one handed in her left hand. "I'm giving you a chance to live."

They looked at her like she was crazy and started laughing,
"You?! Defeat us?"
"A single girl can't defeat us-"

Before the small fry could even finish his sentence, she launched forward and begins a flurry of lightning flash slices.

"Tch, now, where are you? Stop hiding from me and show yourself!" She concealed her sword under her coat and waited for her target to come out. "I've already beaten your small fry, there's no point in hiding."

"Lovely reunion, Adrestia." A feminine voice spoke as a figure appeared near her. "I assume you're here to kill me?"

"Tch, before that, I have questions." Suddenly, Adia appears behind of her sister, holding a knife to her throat and smirking. "Answer them and I might just let you live, Alcippe."

"What do you want to know then, little sister?" Alcippe said closing her eyes.

"Why did you leave us when we were still young? And why are you siding with father? He murdered your own mother!" She practically shouted in her face, letting all her emotions take over. She felt her eyes burn red which took her sister by surprise.

"My, you have the power father has been talking about. So that's why father kept telling you're blessed and let you stay-"

"Shut up!" Adia screamed and she punched her in the ground.
"It's not a blessing! You don't know anything!" Adia said managing to keep her voice even. The emotions running through her were rampant, but she had to keep her emotions in if she doesn't want 'the curse' to overtake her. "Now answer my question!"

"I left to gain more power, sister." Alcippe moved her head down before looking back up. "To gain the power... You have."

Alcippe quickly disappeared from her sister's hands and attempted to attack from above, using a water bomb, but Adia quickly equipped her 'Selene Water Armour' and used her 'Dual Flame Demolition Blades' to slice the water in half, leaving a fiery crimson trail after being swung.

"I see you have mother's water armor, but why not use his power instead?" Alcippe taunted then stood a few feet away from Adia, "Use his power-"

"Shut up! I'll defeat you with my own magic!" Adia shouted.

"Well, since you have Selene's armor, then you already won. You're immune to water attacks, and water is my only magic."

Alcippe shut her eyes and lowered her head, "Why don't we settle this just like when we were young and defeat the other without any magic? Just pure skills."

"Tch." Adia smirked, requipped back to her normal attire, then wielded her normal silver katana.

Alcippe braced herself, Adia ran straight for her. She swung her sword right at her neck, but Alcippe moved, narrowly avoiding her attack. Adia came in for another attack, swinging her sword at Alcippe's left arm. This time she was unable to fully dodge Adia's attack and her arm was cut; she grabbed it with her hand, the whole thing slowly going numb.

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