25th Chapter: Éna kainoúrgio xekínima

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

25th Chapter: Éna kainoúrgio xekínima

The soft pitter-patter of footsteps on dry rooftops were in sync with the fast movements of the group. Hoods and masks concealed their faces as they traveled through town in the mid-heat of noon. All was silent, neither one of them wanting to break it. They glided with effortless ease, jumping long distances in peptide spaces without catching a single attention. Townspeople went about their usual business, oblivious to the four figures lurking in the shadows.

The first in line had a typical dog design, her black eyes dull through the holes cut in her mask. She assumed the position of leader by appointment. Even though she was covered, her face itself was already a mask of unreadable stoicism. Invisible holes were burned in her back by her so-called teammates. The hostility towards her was palpable even if their mouths remained shut.

The three members at the end of her tail each had their own design. The only girl in the trio had a cat's face, the two men having an owl's and a boar's. Their expressions were hidden, but it was clear that they loathed their leader.

Adia knew better than to underestimate the group. The position they bore spoke enough to show their capabilities. The fact that they could keep up with her strides intrigued her. Maybe one day they'll get to fight?

Hiding in the trees and gazed at the person wearing a red-hooded cloak, they began their scouting mission. Details said that the target was always seen to be in the Kardia Cathedral. Through the window, they could make out his appearance, which coincidentally matched the given description.

He seemed as normal as the citizens loitering about. But what's odd was the bird perched on his shoulder. A crest of purple feathers adorned its body, the black beak giving it an opulent and majestic feel. A long plume atop its head fell to one side, covering its right eye.

Making use of their expertise, they concealed their presence, and those with magic mollified themselves. In a state like so, no one can recognize them. Even if someone who has a sense of smell like that of a dragonslayer's, they couldn't be detected. The equipment they have nullified their scent. Adia mentally snorted at the council's circumspection.

The hooded person knelt before the Altar, his lips moving visibly as he pronounced some certain words. Surprisingly, the bird didn't make any chirping noise, and seemed to respect the silence. They saw him wipe some tears before retiring to the door. They followed him.

He made a few stops at local shops, but didn't bother to buy anything. It also appeared that he was in the habit of talking to himself for a considerable time. Adia heeded the places he had visited, all the while observing his behavior pattern. The smile that had planted itself on his face since he left the church never left, and he seemed happy. For a number of minutes his sight-seeing continued unabated, and upon closer investigation she noticed the words that left his mouth were not directed at himself. Instead, at his bird.

This continued so long, until after a few hours, he came to an abrupt stop. The alarm on his watch was the cause of the frown that replaced his smile, and like an eager child, he changed direction, darting after whatever spawn had beguiled his attention. Following through his sudden agenda, the suspicious looks on the group's faces couldn't be helped.

At long last he had arrived. Arrived at the place the council had anticipated. In a dark alley behind a bakery, the hooded man and his companion bird met with a witch. Dark power radiated from her, a promise of danger to the normal citizen. They exchanged a few words, the man eventually leaving with a packet of unknown relics.

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