36th Chapter: Krymméni noimosýni

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

36th Chapter: Krymméni noimosýni

The hour was late in the evening and dark outside, so Lucy opted to just go straight to her apartment and try to find her answers there. There was always her other means of getting information, and all she had to do was sit there and settle comfortably in her huge pink bed.

Crux levitated just a few inches from her after one swing of his silver key. A small bubble formed inside his right nostril as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Yep, this was Lucy's other method of obtaining information besides the library.

"Crux, uh, you there?" she asked, cocking her head to one side. "I haven't asked my question yet, so why the heck are you already asleep?"

After a few snore-filled seconds, the Southern Cross finally flicked open his eyes, giving her his full attention. "Ah yes, yes. What would you like to know, miss Heartfilia?"

Her large brown eyes slanted thoughtfully. "I know your knowledge is limited to Celestial spirits and their masters, but... I-I wonder if you've ever heard of a family named Polemos?" Immediately after her inquiry, Crux slid into slumber. She didn't want to get her hopes up; after all, the spirit's information offered only a limited area for exploration. But she took her chances. She wouldn't lose anything by trying.

She waited patiently for the old spirit to wake up. After a while, a couple minutes longer than usual for him to search, those droopy eyes at last bolted wide open. His flared nostrils twitched and a sound close to a low, deep grunt escaped his lips. She'd half expected he would come to her empty handed.

But he didn't.

"Ah yes, yes. The Polemos are an infamous clan of powerful warriors. They are legend." Faint shadows fell over his face, his lips receding into a grim line. His voice was its usual calm, but Lucy could tell there was a thread of worry in it. "I'm sorry, but I can't reveal anything more. The user's decision in these matters must be understood and respected."

Lucy's pupils became enormous, startled by this news. She couldn't believe her ears; Crux actually disclosed a small piece of information. Leaning forward in her crisscross position on the bed, she put her pleading skills to the test again. "That's the basic information, Crux. Do you perhaps have anything a bit more..." she batted her lashes, a coy pout puckering her lips. "...useful?"

The celestial spirit grumbled, and upon sensing a battle raging in him, she clasped her hands together, sulking it all up in his face. "Please, Crux. There must be at least one thing you could say that is not an invasion of the user's privacy."

Crux took a moment to think. Rubbing his moustache that sprouted inside his nostrils, he sighed, gave a faint shake of his head. "Ah yes, yes. Sorry miss. But I have restricted myself to telling more." He gave a short nod, disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Lucy sighed noisily, staring at the space where he'd been. It wasn't her place to whine since she never really expected to get even the tiniest bit of information. Besides, with what she knew of how the contracts work, it was plain as day that she would put two and two together and come up with five.

The little detail that Crux had knowledge of the clan meant the spirits had somehow formed a contract with a Polemos. But, do her spirits even recognize the name? More importantly, were they even aware of this fact, and if so, did they care?

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