19th Chapter: Symfoníes

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The end of the week signified that it was time for the Council to pay a visit to the guild. With its usual representatives, namely, the captain and his platoon, the guild master silently prayed that they would only do business that was solely assigned.

At this time of the day, Adia was already out in the town scanning the area. But since the old man told her to stay put for once, just at the end of each week, she smoothly obliged. Besides, her pursuit was almost over. There was only one area left to explore before she was done with her hunt through Magnolia.

At a corner table at the far end of the room, the brunette sat alone, waiting patiently for the council members. She hoped that now, maybe they would give her sword back. For days, she hadn't had any training in swordsmanship, and she didn't want to be out of practice. And it's not like the old man would allow her to carry a weapon, either.

Guild members swarmed about and it was a total ruckus. Some had already grown accustomed to the new girl's presence, and her not talking, but many was still having a hard time adjusting. And those were the ones who were willing to make her talk.

Through the corner of her eye, Adia noticed the same group making their way towards her. With a sigh, she did the same—after they gathered around her, she spared them an unfazed glance, and then looked away. Normally, she'd already left for her run, but this time all she could do was ignore them and hope they would leave her alone.

But the team was determined to have their way. They believe that no one was entitled to be alone, and even though the new girl was regularly rejecting them, they remained insistent.

The group took their seats and the brunette gave them her usual bored look. "Hn." With an indignant grunt, she turned her head sideways and stared out the stained glass window, blatantly refusing to acknowledge their presence.

The pink-haired boy was the first to speak. "Now you can't get away!" The blonde beside him hit him in the shoulder, "What was that for?"

Lucy crossed her arms and looked apologetically at the new girl. "Sorry about that. What he really meant was that now that you're here, we can finally talk to you! Even though you were just imposed to stay.."

Once again, they did not receive any response, but they were stubbornly unshakeable. The blonde decided to speak again. "So, Master told us that we should behave every end of the week, he said that the Council will visit at those times. Don't you think that's a little bit weird?"

What she said made the brunette turn her attention to her. "Makarov didn't tell you?"

An inner smile formed on Lucy's face but she didn't let it show. Instead, she stared with a confused look. "Tell us what?" She honestly didn't know. But she was glad she finally earned an answer.

Adia saw the blonde's eyes light up with sudden enthusiasm, but dismissed it. The old man didn't tell them the reason? She chuckled. Maybe they also didn't know why she'd been captured in the first place. She decided to confirm it. "You," She directed her gaze at the woman opposite her. "You're part of that squad that captured me. Do you know any reason why the council was in pursuit of me?"

Erza's eyes narrowed. She didn't answer. It was clear from her face that she was deep in thought. Should she tell her? Her own battle with her thoughts was interrupted by another chuckle.

"I guess he didn't tell you." Came the brunette's cold, mocking voice. "No wonder you're not afraid."

"Afraid of what?" Lucy asked innocently. "And why did the council want you?"

Though the group couldn't see it, there was a twinge of sadness in Adia's eyes. She remained silent and just continued to stare blankly out the window. From where she sat, she could see the familiar division leader a short distance in front of the guild. She 'tched' and stood up. Might as well greet them before they come looking for her.

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