5th Chapter: ef̱cháristes anamní̱seis

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"Be careful out there, Bisca."

"Don't worry about me! I'll be back tomorrow." She reassured him as she raised onto her toes and gave her husband a peck on the lips. She grinned at him when she settled back on her heels. "Remember to tuck in Asuka later in bed, okay? Don't forget!"

As she turned to leave the house they shared, a hand clamped down on her shoulder.

"Alzack, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Bisca said, turning. "Stop being a worry wart and-" She blinked and suddenly she was in Alzack's arms. His face was pale, his black eyes filled with worry as he stared at her.

"I know you will. Just.. return home safely, okay?" He said.

"Yeah, I will." She hugged him back and then pulled herself away from his embrace. "Besides, I won't go alone. And don't forget, I prayed to the gods last night, so don't worry!"

Glancing up at him, she lifted her chin and gave him a heartening smile, "Well, better go now! I still have to go meet up with those dorks. Bye!"

"B-Be here tomorrow at sunset, o-okay!"

Bisca just nodded, walked away from him toward the hallway, and left him in the kitchen, standing there and watching her leave.

"I love you! And hey! Stop treating me like a kid, you moron!" She was walking away, and he was staring at her perfect figure as she walked down the dark hall. He heard every word she said because he could not help but want to hear what she said to him.

She walked down the hall, opened the front door, and walked out, closing it behind her. Alzack heard the door click closed and looked across the room to see she was gone.

As he continued staring at the door where her wife had left, he couldn't help but feel edgy. That worry hovered all around him and in his mind, especially when she goes on missions. But what pushed his apprehension higher was this 'special' mission she was assigned in. This wasn't like any other capture mission he and his wife took; this one was different. He furrowed his eyebrows as he took out a copy of the poster Makarov brought the night before and looked through the request for what seemed like the hundredth time.

Pursuit Mission

~Attention all mages! This is an urgent request from the Committee and it's higher-ups. Capture and bring a certain rogue female mage to the Council. Please refer to the information we managed to gather below.

Target Name: Adrestia Oxys Polemos

Family/Affiliates: None

Magic: Unknown

Reward: 250,000,000 jewels

"Two hundred fifty million just for capturing a girl?" Alzack mumbled to himelf, as he took a closer look at the subtle poster. He felt a feeling of dread overcome him.

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