14th Chapter: Néa Próvlima kai echthrós

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"Stop calling me by that name, were merely acquaintances." Adia coldly said looking sharply at Makarov.

"Well, my child, I remember when you were little you used to call me 'uncle'," the master said, laughing, one hand patting Adia's shoulder. "I'd told you countless times to call me 'gramps' but you insisted on calling me 'Uncle M'. So I don't understand why were 'just merely acquaintances'—"

"Shut up," venom laced her words and her expression made it clear she didn't want to continue the conversation. "I've stopped looking at the past, and I have now only to look to the future."

Makarov was not the least bit intimidated. He gave her a sincere smile which seemed to say, "All of us are here for you". Then the smile disappeared from his face.

Adia looked with scornful indifference at the old man. "All of you? Here for me?"

"Yes, because you're part of the family now."

The girl "hmphed" and narrowed her eyes, a slow smile formed on her lips. "Then that means you'd help me achieve anything I want. Isn't that right?"

Without thinking, Makarov replied, "We're all a family now and try to help each other out. So I guess that's a yes."

Adia "hmphed" again then crossed her arms. "Just be sure of that."


In one corner of the room, Lucy and the rest of her team were watching the two converse. They were close to see their lips move, but not close enough to hear a word. The dragon slayers tried to use their heightened sense of hearing, but even they could not make out what they were saying.

The group continued watching the pair, especially the new girl who looked mildly irritated by what their master was saying. They flinched as they saw her eyes narrowed with the desire for something they did not know. The silence broke when a certain pink-haired guy decided to speak up.

"I'm getting tired of this! I'm just gonna go up to them," Natsu proclaimed with a confident smile as he ran the very short distance to the pair, his flying cat reluctantly following behind.

His teammates kept shouting at him to come back, but everything fell on deaf ears. The five left at the table simultaneously sighed as their idiotic friend suddenly barged into the pair's conversation. They eyed the girl intently as her attention now shifted to the new intruder. When they saw her acknowledge their teammate's presence, they decided to follow suit.

Nearing the trio they stopped and took note of the girl's demeanor and appearance. The first thing they noticed was that she rarely spoke. She seemed calm, abstracted. The second, she was very beautiful. Aside from the permanent scowl on her face, she still looked attractive.

Shaking their heads, they walked closer, gathered up all the courage they possessed and introduced themselves.

Lucy was the first to speak, saying, "Hello. You must be Adrestia!" Natsu's bickering ceased and Makarov seemed to calm down. It looked like they had an argument. "My name is Lucy! I hope we can be friends."

Adia said nothing, just raised her eyebrows. She put her hands in her pockets then turned in the blonde's direction. She sighed and clicked her tongue at the inconvenience, but didn't do anything to keep them from speaking.

Lucy was delighted that the new member responded and motioned for her teammates to go and do likewise. One by one they said their names, all of them feeling relieved that it's all over with and that they weren't on her bad side.

The brunette continued staring and the silence was too awkward for Team Natsu. They were a chatty bunch, so the absence of sound was a bit foreign to them. They stared back and could feel the intensity of her gaze. One of them, namely, a girl with long blue hair moved a step away because she couldn't handle her fervent eyes.

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