16th Chapter: Kalós írthate sto Fairy Tail

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Big flames engulfed around the target. It exploded upon contact and as it diminished, smoke began to make its appearance. Everyone was on edge, waiting for the outcome. Surely Natsu hadn't gone too far, right?

As the smoke cleared away, everybody gasped. The sight was very surprising, it wasn't like they expected. There, in the middle of the clearing, Adia stood, in most perfect condition, as if nothing happened. Everyone's mouths were agape, especially Natsu's. Just how did she manage to escape that fiery trap?

Natsu continued to stare in awe and he didn't even notice his opponent running toward him with incredible speed. His eyes grew wide when all of a sudden, he found himself being flown back. The moment the stone hit his head, he squirmed in pain. After some time he recovered, and he wondered why she was allowing him to do so.

"Hey Adia! Don't hold back!" The dragonslayer shouted, dashing forward with intense flames bursting from his elbow, "I'm giving it all I've got, so you should do the same!"

Said girl darted left and right, avoiding all attacks with ease. She watched the dragon's midnight eyes fire up with a strong look of determination and it made her wonder. Willingly, she allowed him to hit her once in the shoulder—allowing her to measure his strength. The punch lacked force, it didn't even have enough to hurt.

"Is that all you've got? Tch, you're just like that redhead, weak and pathetic." Adia side stepped and hit Natsu with a blow to the chest that sent him reeling across the floor. "And I don't like repeating myself. Stop calling me by that name, were merely acquaintances."

Stubbornly, the dragonslayer got back to his feet and grinned wildly. "I have many, many more up my sleeve."

"Crimson Lotus—" Fire ignited in Natsu's fists and it formed into large, light spheres "—Fire Dragon's Fist!"

He charged at Adia with a continuous barrage of punches that was impossible to get away from. Each punch produced a powerful explosion which made the impact more deadly.

If only Natsu had concentrated harder, if only his eyes were faster, he would've seen his opponent change into a combat suit.

Adia was able to avoid every punch, or blow the boy tried to land upon her. But the heat emitted was much more than she can handle. A blue, seemingly scaly armor wrapped the areas of her body that come near the fire, protecting her from the extremely hot and explosive flames of a dragon. She would requip then ex-quip everytime as to not let anyone know her primary magic. It would be better not to expose it, since she had no trust for the guild members. And besides, if, she had ever encountered an opponent, it would be best if he had no idea what was in store for him—conventional logic.

Natsu flew a few feet away, the bemusement all over his face. The punches he threw, all pummeled empty air. Just how fast was this girl? Taking a moment to think, he observed her. She was inhumanely strong, one punch from her would send him flying. Yet she must have some weakness, some flaw..

This boy was trying so hard to think. With a straight face, Adia walked slowly. She saw his eyes light up with alarm. The only sound was her footsteps on the grass. All members of the audience were holding their breath, leaving a silence in the air. She was a good five feet away from the boy when suddenly, he ran in circles around her. Again, there were flames licking his body, but this time, most of the heat built up on his head. After running around in circles for some time, he ran straight to her, the fire on his head intensifying as he got closer.

"Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!"

If this kept happening, her powers will eventually be revealed. Finally deciding to end the fight, Adia 'teleported' above Natsu and kicked him in the back of his neck. A snap echoed and right after, the boy fell to the ground.

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