32nd Chapter: I aprosdókiti etaireía

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

32nd Chapter: I aprosdókiti etaireía

From the outside the dark guild looks pretty normal. People were daft enough and tend to overlook this and/or not care, the local townspeople regarding it as if it was a measly decoration. At first glance―a very quick first glance―one would think it looked like a pretty average hash house.

Unless, of course, someone actually felt for the magical power thriving inside.

Adia gave a silent nod to the spy kneeling opposite her. With his incredible take off speed, Owl loped away, headed for the nearest window. Through the slim eyeholes she witnessed the commotion inside in fine detail, and she stared condescendingly at the trembling underlings. The sound of a whip tore through the air, followed by a scream. After a final glance at the captives, she too moved into position.

"W-We've kept our end of the deal! Now change him back!"

"That's just part of the "unspoken" part of the deal, silly boy!"

The three spies with their trained talent watched the onslaught with a blank stare. The red hooded male they'd tailed before appeared to be just an easily replaceable member rather than a deva that the Council made him out to be. The buff master just chucked him aside as if he was so much filth, and the moment the leader brought a large tattooed fist away for another swing, that was when Adia made the signal.

Jumping from the arched window, itself two stories high, the brunette ran past the group of fags, and made a beeline for the head chair. The master was completely surprised, and even before he tried to divert his attention, she used the several lengths of beaded necklaces he wore as a rope and tied it tightly around his thick neck. The same went for his bracelets, they became like cuffs.

"What the-? The council? Who are you?"

The wind whipped through her long black hair as she swiftly glided, then she stood tall and straight at the bottom steps of the throne. The buff man right in front of her tried to peep under her mask, but the Dog's countenance gave nothing away.

With their slow reflexes, the surrounding swarm members strived to approach. The instant they took one step forward though, they were knocked out by Boar. Owl joined the party after a little while, the extra group members caught inside his gum-like powers, tailing after the caster.

A loud cawing sound came beside the master and Adia didn't let the bird slip out of notice. That same purple bird had a considerable amount of magic, so it must be special in some way.

"Ha! Do you think my necklaces will be enough to constrain me?"

"No, but I made sure the fine strings were closest to your neck. One wrong move and say goodbye to your head."

"Oh, o-okay."

Adia turned on her heel and darted down the red hooded figure. With her foot, she rolled the body over so that she was facing his chest, then she leaned down and check for a pulse. "One casualty,"

Boar and Owl nodded, the latter using his magic to clean up the mess. Adia rolled open the scroll Lahar gave her, then wrote down all observations and experiences.

Including the manic bird still flapping its wings wildly within the confines of its cage. Apparently, the two spies neglected the animal, but being as perceptive and cautious as ever, the brunette inched toward the cage parallel to the throne.

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