3rd Chapter: oikogéneia

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It was a methodical day at Fairy Tail. Everyone was doing their usual things.

A well-endowed female with long, flowing scarlet hair was eating cake. A lady with shoulder length blond hair was talking with a rather young, petite teenage girl who was being admired by two men. Two idiots were having one of their famous arguments. A misfit was eating metal while watching the blue-headed adolescent. A weird girl stalking an undressed male. A slim woman with long, white hair was serving drinks. Two middle aged men was being their usual pervert selves. A  very tall muscular young man was talking with a slim man of average height who had waist-length green hair. A large, muscular man with tan colored skin got into a fight and a slim young woman with tan skin and an ample bust was drunk.

It was a normal day like any other, until the guild doors were busted open.

"Fairy Tail!"

Everyone turned to the door and saw an extremely short, elderly man standing by the door.

"Hey Gramps! Something wrong?"

"How did the meeting with the council go, master?"

"Everybody listen up." the guild master, Makarov started as he held out a piece of paper- no, it's more of a poster to be exact and handed it to the red-headed female mage named, Erza. "Natsu, Gray, please stop what you're doing right now and listen first to what I have to say."

The said two slowly obeyed and tromped over to the other guild members who by this time were now gathered around Makarov and Erza. The old man waited for them to settle down whilst the female mage skimmed through the given notice. Makarov fleetingly gave an explanation of every single thing that the Council had requested from them, but of course leaving out the classified and confidential inside story the wizard saints imparted to him.

"Pursuit mission? What exactly had she done?" asked the partially unclad mage with ebony hair then crossed his arms across his chest. "How do we know if she's near us, she could even be anywhere."

Makarov sighed as the guild erupted in whispers and murmurings.

"Yeah, what did she do?"

"And a girl? We are in a pursuit mission for a simple girl? Why is she so important?"

"If she's cute, I call dibs!"

The whispers continued until an authoritative voice ceased them.

"You seem to be taking the situation lightly." Erza squinted her eyes, and glowered dangerously at the crowd, making all of them fear for their lives. The entire guild noticed her deathly aura and went deathly silent. "Now listen up to what master has to say."

They all nodded their heads vigorously, afraid of what she was going to do if they said otherwise.

"Good." She quickly said  then turned towards Makarov, "Master, I believe they have to at least know what she's capable of so that during the hunt they would be prepared."

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