6th Chapter: omorfiá kai ta myalá

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It was a difficult walk through the thick forest. The others had nothing to say to each other. No one dared to say a word or to express what was in his mind. Their walk was completely silent except for an occasional sniffle and the crunching of leaves and the crackling of twigs beneath their feet.

At that evening, there was little talk of the yesterday's events. Occasionally, a comment would break the silence, but no real conversation.

Throughout the entirety of the walk, the Cherub faced girl didn't say a word, and just listened intently to the small talk going on without interrupting.

The whole group looked and watched their silent companion. For a moment, they all looked intently upon her features; her long, raven-black hair being blow down on her baby-smooth skin, her soft lips, her pointy nose, all these features that all mortals would long for. Their penetrating gaze prowled over her face and pounced on her eyes. There was something odd and scary about her eyes. They contrasted with her beautiful features. They were dark, as dark as two black stars in a bright universe. Despite that fact, her beauty had a strong grip on them.

They realized only after a moment of lost-in-space that they were staring absently at her, definitely fazed by her physical appearance, temporarily forgetting she was their prisoner, a rogue wizard.

Their looks of admiration now turned into one of curiosity. Why was the Council after a young lady like her? Just what exactly has she had done? Was she some kind of fairy-tale princess who had escaped from her castle, or was she some type of savage slaughterer? All these unanswered questions lingered in their minds as they continued eyeing her whole being. Her mysterious comportment piqued their interest. There was something about her that was oddly interesting, but they couldn't quite put their finger on the reason.

All of a sudden, their train of thoughts were interrupted when she abruptly came to a stop. She simply stopped moving and stood immobile. Her sudden change of behaviour instantly snapped them back to reality, the actuality that she was the enigmatic girl they needed to capture, the same girl who single-handedly defeated the renowned 'Twin dragons', the same girl who almost killed them, the one and the same girl who had spared their lives on nothing more than a whim.

"Is there something wrong?" Rufus inquired as he inclined his head in her direction.

The unmoved female made no attempt to answer, completely ignoring the group's hard, interrogative stares. They were now standing in a clearing in the middle of the forest, with thinly scattered trees. It was a windy night, and the leaves rustled and swayed, throwing green shadows everywhere.

She narrowed her eyes, but the impassive expression on her face remained unmoved.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted an unknown figure stood in the darkness of the trees, completely hidden by the deep shadow in which he stood. The moonlight slowly crept out behind the clouds in the night sky, the light was moving between the pieces of the tree tops moving up the figures outfit, slowly revealing a green mask that obscured the bottom half of his face, partially revealing his piercing dark eyes. Both shined a dusky color with a tattoo near his right eye.

She heard silent footsteps near the group, her two orbs peered into it's direction, her perfect eyesight started to make out what the image was. The sound of short stubble crunching came from a woman with straight, green hair. Her attire mirrored that of a fictional cowgirl, with a Western-style hat visible on her head, a light, polka-dotted neck scarf, and a pair of reddish brown boots.

She screwed her eyes shut and crouched down to the floor.

Vigilant eyes of the group bore down on her, they still haven't noticed the enemy's presence yet.

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