30th Chapter: Preloúdio sti néa etaireía

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, or any of its characters. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. The following story is for entertainment purposes only.

30th Chapter: Preloúdio sti néa etaireía

It was over a few days ago since she had last seen the fire-breathing brat.

Adia stared at the setting sun in absolute stillness from the very peak of the building, the cornice up on the very top. She gave herself a moment's peace in the process. She had racked her brain for every possibility she could think of, but her traitorous mind kept setting on one conclusion. With the absence of any unusual magic in town, she recognized she will never move a step further unless she made use of her 'voluntary' evidence.

Seven days or a week signified the Council's timely visit. But all day she wondered where they had gone. Every trace of her presence never left the building, and waiting either at one corner of the room, or at the apex of the guild's lot. What's more, Makarov never once called on her. She took matters into her own hands and approached the old man intending to inquire, but the short pipsqueak gave him a cheeky grin, said something about the search out group and "You'll know after they return hehe."

Which was why she needed those brats to come back at once.

In the light of tomorrow she had yet another job lined up by the Council, this time to capture the dark guild she had last spied on. She remembered the suspicious eyes of her fellow agent, the grudge planted deep within them as he had delivered the letter; it definitely suited the grim look on his face.

Technically, it wasn't her fault the "cat" died, but to her good contentment, she was glad of it.

Her gaze swept carefully over the surrounding forest. She didn't have to scour every place today to make sure she wasn't being followed―and if she were being followed again, it was a good thing she'd placed any great reliance on her sight. One of the Council's adroitly made equipment was in Silverfall's hands, her sensory perception proving to be nothing but a null skill.


Those cold onyx eyes traveled down to the bottom of the building. Excited friendly arms waved at her but she remained reserved, watched the white-haired mage closely, under that unblinking scrutiny. The past few days, she'd learned the business rather quickly and a lot about people. She'd listened enough to the boisterous brother to know that the overly sweet bartender used take-over and transformation magic.

Despite her aloof, detached air, Mirajane went on, "Come down from there silly!"

Adia grunted. "What do you want?"

"Master said he wants to talk to you!" The demon's face twitched with excitement, motioning the Polemos over. Adia conceded silently, ignored the questions, obviously never been in the mood for small talk.

"You know Adrestia, I'm actually surprised you managed to maintain a reserved attitude. 'Cause the folks here are a little shy at first, but eventually they start to open up a little. They become loud and rowdy, like Natsu!" Giggling, Mirajane rushed to stay ahead of Adia, leading the brunette carefully around tables and over the passed-out bodies lolled on the floor. Her brother skidded to a stop before her, and she looked up into his eyes. "Why hello there, Elfman."

"Woah, sister, you're the man! I could just imagine Natsu and Gray's faces when I announce that I'm also friends with Adrestia!"

The older sister giggled in a cutesy sort of way again, before she walked around her towering brother. Adia closed her eyes, shutting out everything except the sound of her confounded footsteps. The steady rhythm stopped advancing, until she found herself face to face with the master's crummy office.

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