24th Chapter: aklóniti Epílysi

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The rune knights came by and scanned the logs at the Council's bidding. The members were still clueless as to why this was happening but made no attempt to question it. They were curious, for sure, and the daring always end up in some sort of trouble for trying to snoop on private business.

With one final flip of the record book, Lahar turned and ordered his men back to the entrance. Makarov followed him to the door and once there, he faced him. "Adrestia's already fully mobilised and by noon she will be deployed." He reached under his coat and pulled out an envelope. "Here's the letter regarding the Council's given punishment," He could see behind the old man the glare of the dragonslayer, but paid not much attention to it. "Keep them in check."

Makarov nodded and slid the envelope into his coat pocket. He watched them leave and later returned to the guild hall where he sat by the counter, next to the bartender. Mirajane was wiping some glasses and stopped to read over his shoulder. "They took out a whole platoon..." She giggled and he continued, "Even though I'm proud of them, the damage they cause and the repercussions are stressful."

"They're always like that, so it's not something new." Gildarts chimed in while taking the one vacant seat between his daughter and the old man. He ordered a beer and rested his elbows on the bar table. "So why didn't you tell them?" He asked without facing Makarov. He waited for his answer, and later he heard him sigh.

"Council's orders." Came Makarov's simple answer as he motioned for the bartender to get him a drink. An inward chuckle, and a look of incredulity responded to him making him sigh once more. "It's the truth."

Taking a sip from his mug, the tall male titled his head to one side and regarded him. "I believe you. But I've got this feeling that what you're saying is partially true." He stopped sipping his beer, and closed his eyes in silent affirmation. "I knew it. But, why?"

"I can't say much more here. Everything's classified. I'm sure you already know her origin?" He raised a brow along with his mug.

"Yeah, her family name speaks a lot. I thought they were only a myth, but after seeing firsthand evidence of her abilities, I immediately changed my mind."

Makarov snorted, a look of disbelief on his eyes. "Don't act like you haven't encountered one before." Drinking the last drops of the beer, he set the mug on the table and let the bartender fill it up again.

"Look, I'm not sure if that one was even a member. So, nope. It's my first encounter." Gildarts heartily chuckled and lowered his mug for a refill. He sat with a thoughtful look on his face for some time as he sipped his drink. "No, wait. If that guy who touched me was a member, then the girl would be the second."


He sighed and began relaying his story, "On my way back here, I bumped into someone. And the next thing I knew I was already here in Magnolia, completely forgetting the place of encounter." The old man returned his expression and he shifted his gaze to the fighting ruckus across from him. "I don't know what happened, but I could sense that something was different about my magic. The girl told me it was Illusion magic."

"Well, the clan was best known for their mirage tricks. So there's a high possibility that the guy is a member." Makarov immediately leaned back to avoid a large empty barrel that came towards his head. He glanced at the drunk woman then to the crowd ahead. "Ha, there goes Natsu and Gray, punching each other again."

"You know, I always wonder how you're able to keep functioning despite the commotion those two always make," The tall male fondled his stubble, "And now you've added more stress to your life. You do know they're eventually going to find out, right?" He laughed when he saw the sucker punch to the gut the pinket had taken. "Erza never goes easy on him, poor squirt."

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