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The next day as planned Teja reached Karan's house , she was feeling mixed emotions, at one side she was extremely excited to meet Karan, and even Ruturaj and Sayli, but on the other hand thinking about Shruti and Karan was making her feel uneasy.

Shruti and Teja reached  Karan's house almost at the same time . Everyone was really happy to meet each other after so many days. They soon started talking about the matches the country their experience etc.
Karan and Sayli went into the kitchen to make coffee/tea and snacks. Even Shruti went in the kitchen to help them.

"You didn't even call me once" Ruturaj said in a complaining tone.

"Yaar what is up with you two friends, why are you guys always like you didn't call, itni pasand aa gayi kya mein, and most importantly i messaged you before and after every match."

"Haha...... pasand to hai tu, I like you as my sister, Karan ka pata nahi" Ruturaj said teasingly.

"Whyyy .... sometimes I feel that I did the biggest mistake by telling you about my crush which I had, in past , bhutkaal me tha." Teja said while stressing words like past and bhutkaal.

"Feelings never die Teja"

"Oh , so you mean to say that you still feel for your ex."

"Until you fall in love again... you had a crush on anyone else after Karan ?"

"Please don't " Teja said helplessly

"What happened" Sayli asked seeing Teja frustrated.

"Your husband is so irritating" Teja cried.

"He definitely is "Sayli said

Everyone started laughing after hearing this except Ruturaj.

To change the topic Ruturaj asked " so Shruti are you single?"

'Yes I'm , I used to date a guy back in London, but didn't work out. What about you Karan, you are also single right."

"Yes "

"You used to date that actress right, then what happened, if you are ok to answer."

"Nothing major, but after a certain time it started feeling really superficial, like just for the people around us,so we ended it . She is a nice girl but ...."

"Hmmm shit happens" Sayli said.

"What about you Teju, dated anyone ?" Sayli asked


"Not even a single guy. Were the guys around you stupid to not ask you out "

"They did , but I was not interested in being in a relationship"

"You never liked a guy , not even a celebrity crush" Ruturaj asked with a mischievous smile.

With all eyes on her, the only thing Teja wanted to do was change the topic of discussion or the person at spotlight so she said 
"I guess you should ask this question to Shruti" and smiled.

Seeing Teja smile at her Shruti thought that Teja had a conversation with Karan about his feelings for her and Karan responded positively, so she went ahead and confessed her feelings for Karan infront of everyone.

Everyone was shocked beyond words. No one saw this coming. Even Teja didn't think that passing the question to Shruti will really make her confess.
Karan didn't know what to say , he for sure didn't like Shruti , she was just a normal friend and nothing more.

Seeing Shruti wait for his answer, he took her out of the house with him.
Looking at Karan's face Teja knew that he was equally shocked and did not feel the same way for Shruti. She started feeling guilty,
' It wouldn't have happened if I didn't pass the question to her.' Teja thought.

"Did you really mean the things you said inside" Karan asked respectfully.

"Ofcourse Karan, I really like you. I liked you from the first day itself. The more I got to know about you the more I feel for you. I'm very serious about it . "

"Shruti but I don't have any feelings for you"

"It's ok Karan, I can understand, we didn't even talk to each other much for you to like me. But we can try right. I hope that you atleast like the person i am." Shruti asked hopefully.

"You are an amazing person Shruti there is no doubt in that but I don't think we can be a thing ever."

"But you are saying this without even trying"

"What do you mean by trying Shruti. Should I now try to feel for you. Sorry but that's not me."

"That's not what I mean Karan. I'm just saying that we can atleast talk to each other so that you can know me better, maybe then you will start feeling for me."

"No Shruti, if this the way you want to take it , I don't think we can even be friends. Talking to you after knowing that you are expecting certain things from me will not be possible. "

"Are you doing this because you think I will chase you "


"Yaa because Teja's actions clearly indicated that she talked to you about me and you gave a positive response, otherwise she wouldn't have passed the question to me . So why are you behaving like this now?"

"We never talked about you"  Karan said in a defeated tone "wait does that also mean that Teja knew that you liked me"

"Ofcourse she did and she said that she will help me, and I must say I'm just amazed by the kind of help she did"

"I do not think that she did it on purpose" Karan said defending Teja.

"Whatever, that's not why I am here for, I am here to talk to you about us"

"There is no such thing as us Shruti, it's you and me. I'm sorry"

"Karan please" Shruti said getting emotional

"You are  really a nice girl Shruti, I am sure you will find a guy who will be thousand times better than me . But we are not meant to be"

"Fine Karan, thanks. It wasn't really nice knowing you"

"Karan what happened?, what did she say? and where is she?" Ruturaj bombarded Karan with all these questions but Karan didn't answer a single one , he kept on staring at Teja.

Seeing him stare at her Teja asked "Karan where is Shruti?"

"You knew that she liked me , didn't you"

"Yes I knew , but..."

"And you didn't even feel like informing me and moreover you said that you will help her" Karan said clearly angry at Teja

"Karan where is Shruti?"

"Seriously Tejasswi "

"Karan , I'm asking something"

"She left"

As soon as Teja heard it she left Karan's house and Karan stood there startled.
" What does she even think of herself"   Karan said.

" I think you are overreacting Karan, Shruti is Teja's friend, she will obviously keep her secrets safe , and will try to help her friend " Sayli said

"Am I not her friend Sayli. Did she really think that I liked Shruti that she went up and said that she will help her "

"That you guys should clear between yourself, I don't think I can say anything in this "

" But the other person should also be interested in clearing things, and I don't think that she will even call me "  Karan said dejectedly.

First of all, I really feel bad for Shruti.
Somehow she was really confident that Karan and her can be a thing, but ☹️

I hope that you are enjoying the story......💞

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