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"Karan give me my phone back." Teja shouted.

"No." He said nonchalantly while raising her phone high in the air.

"Karan please."

"This is supposed to be our time, I will not let anybody interrupt."

"Karan I'm a doctor. It could be an emergency."

Karan sighed, he had to give back her phone, there was no other choice now.

"Thank you." Teja said to Karan as he gave her the phone back.

"Dr Vivek, hi. Is everything fine ."

"Yes Tejaswi everything is fine. Actually I just checked my socials and got to know that it's your birthday today, so I thought of wishing as we still got a few minutes for it to end."

"Seven minutes, to be accurate."

"Yeah, I am sorry, I was just busy with work the entire day. But wish you a very happy birthday, I hope you had a great one. "

"Thank you. "

"This was supposed to be an emergency, isn't it." Karan said in a low voice with irritation evident in his tone.

"So is your birthday party over or am I disturbing it." Vivek asked.

"It's done. It was just a dinner with my family and few of my college friends."

"Cut the call" Karan still said in a low voice but sternly.

Teja muted the call, "what do I do, he is talking" she said.

"You don't look like a party person anyway, don't get me wrong.. I meant.."

"No you are right ". Teja interrupted. She herself wanted to end the call, but this was not her expertise , she was bad at making excuses.

"Teja are you done with your call." Karan said loudly making sure that the person on the other side of the call heard him .

"Oh no. I clearly disturbed you. Your brother seems to be calling you."

Teja let out a laugh "He is not my brother. "

Karan rolled his eyes hearing this.
"He is my boyfriend" Teja said and pinched his cheek .

Karan smiled. "Better" he mouthed.

"You are not single" Vivek asked being shocked "I thought you were ."

"I was. Not anymore. Anyways I need to go . Bye , see you tomorrow. She said and cut the call."

"Is he your friend" Karan asked.

"I would like to call him a colleague as of now. We didn't really got the time to talk to each other so that he could be called a friend. But he is a nice guy. We can be friends."

"Hmm , but he definitely considers you as a friend otherwise he wouldn't dare to call you at this time. "

"Maybe, and that's fine."

"What if tomorrow he asks you who your boyfriend is." Karan shot another question .

"Teja thought for a few seconds and then shrugged, I don't know. Maybe I will say that it's personal and would not want to discuss it right now."

"They will think that the relationship is not serious that's why you are avoiding telling them."

"Let them think. How does that even matter."

"But why can't you tell them. Are you ashamed ."

"Ashamed ? Are you serious." Teja said with disbelief. "This is the most illogical thing you have ever said. "

"Karan you are a famous, everyone knows you ,they might be your fan too. So I can't just go and say that oh yeah Karan Kundra the one that plays cricket is my boyfriend. "

Karan still was not convinced, "Why?" He asked

"Aree.. do you even know how much attention I will attract once I let this information out. And at this point I am not really ready for that attention, I get awkward."

"Ohh ... okay as you wish ." He said with a small nod. Though he tried his best to hide his disappointment, Teja could see right through him .

"Karan" Teja said and hugged him while resting her head on his chest "Did I make you upset."

He kissed her hairline and said "No, you didn't" while caressing her back.

"Okay, if they ask me tomorrow I will tell them that it's you. "

Karan chuckled. "Girlfriend, it's okay. You can keep me a secret if you want. Do whatever that makes you feel comfortable."

"But I can't see you sad." She said with a pout .

"You can always choose to close your eyes." Karan said and laughed at his own joke.

Teja didn't join him, but only stared at him till he was done laughing.

"Wasn't it funny. "

"Commercial properties are one of the best and often people overlook that."

"Yes , obviously. I'm one of those. But I think it's never too late. I will look for such place around my area."

"Yeah. "

"Okay now I guess we should sleep, it's already past 12."

"Where's Karan though. "

"Ahh..he must be in the living room watching something." Sameer said trying his best to hide his nervousness.

Tarun got up from the bed .
"Where are you going" Sameer instantly asked.

"Kitchen, I want water ."

"It's here." He looked at the jar on the bedside and found it empty. "It's empty. Don't worry I will get it filled.. you stay here. "

"Okay" Tarun said and again moved away from the bed.

"Stop." Sameer almost shouted. "I will get it filled, don't worry. You please rest." He added softening his tone.

"I wanted to use the washroom." Tarun said, being a bit confused by the whole situation.

"Ohhh... okay." Sameer said awkwardly and quickly left the room.

He saw in the living room and it was deserted. Karan and Teja were yet to return.

"Get done with your quality time as soon as possible. Tarun seems to be missing you." He messaged Karan.

"He is not here." Tarun said as he came and stood beside Sameer.


Where should I finally end this story...
I'm so clueless 😭

Anyways, do vote and comment.


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