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"He blocked me" Teja repeated loudly and with anger, "How dare he" .

"Seriously you are angry on him. Girl you left him hanging in the middle of a kiss. Gave him hopes and then broke them. And cherry on top, you message him and say that it was a mistake. A mistake, do you even know how bad it sounds.

You messed up his mind and then you expect him to not even block you for his own sanity.

Anyone would do that, you are ...you are such a weird and confused person."

"So what's stopping you, you to block me. How can you be friend with such a confused person as me." Teja said with a hint of sadness.

"I can't.
You know that I will be there with you even when you take the wrong decisions, as you were there with me. You used to tell me whenever I was wrong and I am doing the same thing today.

Karan blocking you is the result of your own actions Teju, you cannot completely blame him."

"I get it Anu, and I regret my actions. I just don't know what happened to me. I saw him after two months and I was overwhelmed. I never knew that he will affect me so much, but he did.

When he said that he missed me I could see it in his eyes. He really missed me as much as I did.
After the hug when I saw in his eyes, I... I .." Teja sighed " It felt as if I lost hold over my body. "

"And when I snapped my eyes open, I went blank. I never had him that close to me. I started feeling heavy, as if I did something which I was not supposed to do.

As friends there are certain boundaries which we don't cross. Yes I like him, maybe he likes me too but we are still friends. Yesterday I almost crossed that line and that was a mistake.

Yes I didn't mean it because I wasn't even in my senses at that time." She said with tears pooling in her eyes.

"What might Karan think about me after what I did scared me. I was scared that it will ruin everything between us"  she chuckled sadly, "Though I ruined it anyways."

"But you can fix it now. Just call him and say whatever you said right now, that's all it takes." Anu said assuringly.

"He has blocked me, I don't know if he did it because of the kiss or the messages, but he did. That means he doesn't want to talk to me.

I will explain, I will tell him everything but only when he wants to listen it. I will surely call him myself and tell him the day he unblocks me." Teja said seriously
"Teja why so much drama. Take my phone and call him."

Teja shook her head saying no.
Karan reached the airport at around nine, as he had a flight to Bangalore . The entire day he kept himself distracted by hanging out with his teammates and tried his best to not think about Teja.

He had still two hours left for his flight also he was yet to have his dinner so he searched for a restaurant to dine at. He ordered his food and kept scrolling through his social media.
He was getting a lot of appreciations from everyone and he himself was quite proud of the way he played.

' Thank God that we won the match otherwise the entire stay here at Mumbai would have been such a tragedy.'

' Dr. Tejasswi prakash ' he said while looking at their photo, ' what are you ?
The entire day I have been trying so hard to not think of you , but see, here I am staring at our pic. You are just not leaving my mind.

You know, you are exactly are like a puzzle, confusing and hard to understand , and clearly I could not solve it.'

He left out a deep breath and reminded himself, ' Karan stop thinking about her , just stop.' And ran his hand through his hair in fustration.

" Hey, good to see you here" A girl said.

" Hi, good to see you too Riya "

Riya was a Bollywood actress who entered the industry a few years back. Karan knew her through his ex.

Karan asked her to take a seat and they both had their dinner together. They were also on the same flight and got their seats together. Riya took some selfies with Karan after reaching Bangalore and posted them on her social media with a bit controversial caption, (a red heart emoticon) .
The next morning Karan and Teja woke up in their respective houses and started doing their normal routine.
In the middle of the day they got to know about a few articles which only added to the chaos they were already in.

"Actress Riya Sharma and cricketer Karan Kundrra dating? Here is what we know about it."

The article had screenshot of Riya's insta story in which she was congratulating Karan's team for winning the IPL trophy, though with only Karan visible in it.

Their pic from the restaurant at airport, which supposedly a fan clicked and most important , Riya's insta post .

"Oh God! Do I not deserve even a single day without stress." Karan said with annoyance. He instantly called his PR team and asked them to get in contact with Riya's team and find a solution to this problem.

There in Mumbai Teja almost dropped her phone after reading the article.
' No, this can't be true ' Teja thought
' Karan never talked about her, he didn't even mention her anywhere in the past eight months.

No, they are definitely not dating .

Firstly why will a girlfriend watch her boyfriend's such an important match seating at home when she can come to the stadium. Secondly, that fan clicked pic and the pic she posted looks like from the airport, so I guess they just met at the airport by coincidence. Yes I am sure , he is not dating her.'

Teja sighed with relief, "Thank God" she said.

'Wait why am I so happy about it, it is not like him not dating her means that he will date me.' Teja said in a duh tone.

She soon added , ' And also , I don't even want to date him.'

She chuckled sadly and continued,
' says the one who is blocked by him. You don't want to date him , he doesn't even want to talk to you.'

Teja then tried calling Karan but as the day before the call did not connect. She was still blocked.

Over the next few days Teja daily called Karan to see if he unblocked her or not, but used to get only disappointment.

She missed him, she wanted to talk to him, but as decided she was not going to do anything until Karan unblocks her.


I just hope that I complete this story by the end of this month, which at this point I don't think I can...😔

Also I was a bit surprised that many people sided with Karan and not Teja.

I thought that you guys will criticize him for blocking her..

Anyways, I just understand both of them......... uk they are a bit CONFUSED 🤭


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