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The next morning Teja took a flight and left for banglore . She informed Karan's parents about her arrival but asked them to keep it hidden from Karan as she wanted to surprise him .

At Karan's house everyone was doing their regular chores when the doorbell rang.

A house help was going to open the door when Karan's mother stopped him and instead asked Karan to open the door.

Karan felt lazy but still he got up to do what his mom asked to. While walking towards the door, midway he said to no one in particular "Is it Teju ?"

Karan's parents looked at each other, amazed by their son's intuition.

Karan saw in security camera before opening the door and he was right, it was Teja.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming. I would have come to pick you up." He said while opening the door and then pulled her in a hug.

They broke the hug and Karan took Teja's luggage.

"Because I wanted to surprise you. But you don't look surprised." Teja said disappointed,as they walked towards the living room where Karan's parents were waiting for them.

"I am surprised."

"Don't lie.
Aunty, uncle did you tell him that I was coming, because he doesn't look surprised enough." She asked.

"Aree...will you now accuse my parents just because I didn't react dramatically." He said squinting his eyes.

"Haww" She gasped. "I didn't accuse them. Do not try to create misunderstandings between us. "

"He is just jealous of our bond Teju beta , don't mind him." Karan's father said.

"Ofcourse" Karan said rolling his eyes.

"But he knew that it was you , and it was not us who told him." Karan's mother said.

"You guessed it ?" Teja asked.

"No. I just felt you around." Karan said casually.

Teja could not help but smile. "That's... that's sweet." She whispered to him .

"That's love I guess." He whispered back smirking.

Karan's parents decide to give their children some alone time.

"Teju you must be tired, freshen up and we will see you two at lunch." Karan's mother said and left along with his father.

Karan too started moving upstairs towards his room with Teja's luggage.

"Oh hello, where do you think you are taking my bag ." Teja asked.

"To my bedroom." He said shrugging his shoulders. He was teasing Teja as he knew that she would never agree for it.

"Don't act too smart. I will be staying in the guest room. "

"Are you sure ? "

"Yes. "

"I mean my room is yours too. No need of feeling awkward. "

Teja pulled her bad out of his hand.
"Pagal" she said and ran away to the guest room.
The day went by quickly . They had their dinner, Karan's parents went to their room while Karan and Teja thought of watching something on tv.

They sat down on the couch, and Teja started searching for something to watch. While scrolling they came across a cricket related channel.

The thumbnail had Karan's picture and a big cross over it implying how he didn't deserve to be in the World Cup squad.

Teja got irritated so she switched off the tv and threw the remote away.

Karan pulled her closer and rested his head on her shoulder. 
"They are just doing their job." He said.

"If this is what their job is, then they are clearly bad at it. "

"I don't think so."

"Karan" Teja warned.
She cupped his face and made him look at her. "Karan, you know yourself and your capability more than anyone else. It's just a rough phase and you will overcome it soon. Stay true to yourself and the game. That's all you need to do."

Karan nodded and kept his head in Teja's lap. "I feel as if I am doing everything wrong." He said with his voice cracking. "I always dreamed of playing for India, but now I don't think I deserve it any longer. "

Teja shushed him and caressed his hair.

"I have disappointed so many people. My country, my team, my people, and mostly myself.

I tried Teju, I tried. Every match I tried to improve, play better, contribute more to my team, but nothing seemed to work out.

And I am scared now. What if this continues in the World Cup too ?"  He said in a low voice as he was dozing off.

"No, it won't." She mumbled still caressing his hair.
Karan woke up after about an hour and did not find Teja around. He checked the guest room but she wasn't there too.

He was going towards the kitchen to find her when he heard the guitar. The sound came from the balcony.
There he found Teja. Sitting on the swing , with guitar in her hand , playing some tune.

"What are you doing here?" He asked and sat on a chair infront of her.


"It's already late, you should sleep."

"Not sleepy." She said nonchalantly.

Karan sighed, "Teju , I am fine , if that is what you are thinking about." He said.

There was silence for the next few minutes.

"It's been so long since we jammed together. We used to do it so often earlier." She said with a small smile.

Karan smiled too. "Hmm, but then you stopped singing for me. "

"Can I sing now?"


I met somebody, gentle and smart..
He underestimates the size of his heart..
He can be laughing, but he's got enough pain to fill up New York City..

I met somebody so full of scars..
The world's on his shoulders, but he won't fall apart..
I met somebody, he really loves me, says I'm all he needs..
.... Hold me in the darkness..
Even when it's hard with you..
It's a little bit, little bit better.

They both were in tears by the end of the song.

They got up and hugged each other tightly.

"Don't be too hard on my boyfriend Karan. He is an amazing player and he will prove it soon. Trust him. "

"I will and I love you."

"I love you more."


Vote and comment..

Also, we are half way through the year so I hope that it treated you all well till now.
And if not, I wish that it gets better ahead.

Take care.
Lots of love...


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