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"Dr Suman. She got heart attack this morning " Teja informed Karan .

"What!" Karan said. Then he saw Shruti going inside the room . It was now that he noticed her being around.

"Are you coming in" Teja asked "I think you should"

"Okay, let's go"

Dr Suman was lying on the bed, she looked a bit weak, but smiled as she saw Karan and Teja entering.

"Karan, you here"

"Umm...Yeah I got to know about it so thought of visiting . I hope you are feeling better"

"Yes much better. The rest , the reports will tell. Most probably a surgery."

"Get well soon ma'am" Karan said with a smile

"Thank you"

"Mom , dad is calling". Shruti said .

Teja signalled Karan to come out of the room and said " ma'am we are waiting outside, call me if you need something "

Saying this Karan and Teja left the room.

After standing in a few minutes of silence Teja turned towards Karan, smiled at him and asked,

"why did you come here "

"Umm... for Dr Suman."

"Karan you didn't even know that she was admitted"

"Actually  one of my friend told me that the hospital was attacked"  Karan said in a low voice

Teja stared at him in disbelief and then started laughing "what are you serious"

"Don't laugh Teja. Do you even know how scared I was. You were not even picking up my call. I literally came here running."

"Awwwww, so cute" Teja said while pinching his cheeks

Karan gave an embarrassed smile and said "It was not my fault my friend told me about it, wait I will prove it to you"

Karan called his friend and asked

"what did you tell me earlier this day"

"That Dr Suman got attack "

"What, why are you lying, you told me that the hospital got attacked."

"No , why will I say that, I guess you misheard me. By the way how is Dr Suman"

As if Karan was not embarrassed before, this call just doubled it .

"Yeah she is fine" Karan said and cut the call.

He stood there with his head down not knowing what to do. ' I just made a fool out of myself ' he thought .

"You really got scared" Teja asked

"Ofcourse and only a few days earlier you told me about your friend with whom people got physical, so I guess that instantly came in my head when I heard the word attack" Karan chuckled "also he didn't even say heart attack, nor did the receptionist corrected me that it was Dr Suman who was admitted."

"Happens" Teja said "also if anyone attacks me I know how to protect myself, I know self defence" Teja said proudly.

"But that doesn't mean that I will stop caring for you" Karan said looking straight into her eyes , with a smile.

Teja smiled back at him without breaking the eye contact. Without saying a single word, with their eyes doing all the talking, they stood there in silence.

Thier eye lock was broken as they saw Shruti coming out of the room.

"Shruti if you need any kind of help do tell me" Karan said

Shruti nodded and smiled

"Okay then I will take a leave bye "
After walking a few steps Karan turned back and said "Teja what about your phone you don't need it or what"

"Oh yes thanks for reminding, Shruti I will get my phone from my car okay"

"Yeah" Shruti said

"So when is Shruti's dad coming"
Karan asked Teja

"He should be here by night"

"And what about the hospital, will it be closed now"

"No we can't do that. Maybe ma'am will appoint some doctors, but that will take time. Shruti will also be busy, I can see a lot of work coming my way." Teja said with a chuckle.

They reached the parking, Teja took her phone and saw Karan's messages and missed calls.

"Don't you think that you called me a lot" Teja said and laughed

"You still think  it is funny, no madam , you scared the living daylights out of me." Karan said seriously. "Anyways, take care and call me whenever you are free , you need to compensate for all the missed calls "

"Bye" Karan said and hugged her.

For a second Teja was taken aback. This was something new . Even after being friends for so long they hardly did some handshakes , so hugging each other that to two times in a single day was very new. But the hugs felt good, she felt safe. In both the hugs she could fell the care Karan had for her.

Teja went back to Shruti.

"So why was Karan here" Shruti asked " I know mom wasn't the reason."

"Umm... actually he misheard his friend and thought that people attacked the hospital so.."

Shruti chuckled, "Oh . Teja if you don't mind can I ask you something"

"Yeah sure"

"Are you guys dating, I mean you and Karan"

"No" Teja said immediately

"If you are not comfortable telling me because of the things that happened earlier I can understand"

"No Shruti, nothing like that . We are not dating"

"But Karan seems to like you a lot "

Teja didn't expect this coming, " If you are saying this because of the things that happened today then you are wrong. It's just that we had a conversation about people getting physical with doctors a few days back , so it got stuck in his head that's why he got this worried." Teja explained.

"Whom are you trying to convince Teja me or yourself. Anyways, you know that I say what I feel , and I feel that he likes you. Not only because of the things that happened today, but generally, the way he talks to you, the way he looks at you , it is so evident sometimes." Shruti said

Teja didn't reply and went away making an excuse.

' "It will be in my eyes, the way I look at her ,the way I talk to her".......erase erase erase, Teja do not believe whatever she is saying, there's no chance that he likes you. He is just being a good friend, a true friend will get worried if he will get to know that one of his friend is in a problem, so did Karan. It is normal, don't think about it much ' Teja said to herself.


Maybe the last update of this week...

Also I hope you liked the previous update, it is one of my favourite scenes I imagined, the hug 🤗


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