Trauma: Elise.

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It's 5:30 pm. Another workday completed.
I just wanted to go home, nothing so extraordinary; I was dealing with that store since 7:30 in the morning every day, for a whole week. Nasty customers were the only thing that was coming for my neck all day besides dealing with damages, and I needed to get some rest as fast as possible... I was on my last wits.
I've clocked out, visibly tired and annoyed. A co-worker came up, on full energy and talkative as ever. He simply leaned over me, bluntly overstepping my personal space. The horrid smell of cheap cologne invaded my nostrils, making me hold my breath.

- You must be happy, eh? Going home, enjoying some rest...

- We have nothing to chit-chat about, William. -I've side glanced him, trying to control myself.

- Oh, I'm sorry! - he tried to be snarky, raising his hands up. - I didn't know that you were in bad mood! Place a warning label on next time!

- I just don't want to deal with your bullshit, that's all.

- Wow... "deal with my bullshit"... -he acted like he was being betrayed. - Apparently my friendship bloody annoys you!

- With all due honesty... It does. I'm sorry.

I quietly left the store without looking back like I always do. William was visibly pissed, trying to process the humiliation he just went through.

I lived in a two-floor flat at four blocks away from the store, so it was pretty easy for me to go to work and back home from it by foot. My thoughts were scattered, looking at the floor while walking back home. I suddenly noticed sounds of fast pacing getting closer. My gut dropped; the chill that I've felt in my spine wasn't because of the cold rain falling... It was trauma response.
I knew that feeling too well. And it was terrifying to relive it.

"Calm down, Elise... Remember to breathe, remember to breathe...", I was repeating to myself while trying to process on what to do. "First step, pretend to answer the phone and look around... Second step, change direction and blend with a place with more people...You can do it. You can do it!"

I was trying my best to not lose control. My heart was pounding hard, I was struggling to breathe properly. My hands were shaking, and the phone screen was getting blurry.
"Oh, no... Hold on Elise, hold on...!" I murmured to myself, with teary eyes.
When I've looked to the sides, I finally saw my supposed 'stalker': William. Hell no...

I didn't think twice to cross the street as fast as I could and reach the city park, but apparently, he didn't seem to be the one giving up. With the panic symptoms starting to escalate, I had no choice but to seek help from anybody. Any help was sufficed, or I would crumble.

I saw a big figure leisurely sitting in one of the park benches and decided to rush and be next to him. I leaned near the stranger, and in a broken voice, I muttered to them:

- We don't know each other, but please, pleeease help me...!

The big figure looked at me, visibly taken aback by the sudden plead for help: he was a tall bulky man, with a heavy stubble and clear blue eyes. He put the hood down, revealing a mohawk and a few small scars on his chin and a big vertical one over his left eye. Without thinking twice, he side-glanced and noticed William coming towards our direction.

- It's gonna be okay; stay with me, eh? - he smiled when I nodded.

In a fraction of seconds, the guy got up from his seat and suddenly bear hugged me, nearly taking my feet out of the floor. His cologne smelled like heaven!

- Aye, my wee bonnie lassie! I missed ye face! -he said out loud, revealing his Scottish accent and people started to stare. On the same pace, he muttered. - My name is Johnny MacTavish, lass. Nice to meet ye.

- H-hi, Johnny... I'm Elise. - my voice was muffled by Johnny's large chest. I grappled on his jacket, reciprocating the hug. Felt nice.

- Ready to enjoy my big ol' me for an entire week? I want to get rat-arsed tonight; Ghost is coming with us too! I'm starving, so I want to simmer before I get leathered, anno?

While Johnny was putting an entire act to help me out, William approached the two of us; his body odor was reeking of the cheap cologne. Such chemical mixture burned my nose. He went full ballistic on me, trying to ignore John.

- Elise, god damn it! What was that?!? Can we talk? Especially in private?

- I have nothing to talk about, William. - I didn't let go of Johnny. - I have some friends to meet up, so be on your way please.

- That's how you're going to solve this, Elise? Hiding your arrogant arse behind of a 'friend'?

Johnny had kindly let go of my arms and posed himself between me and William. It was scandalous how big he was, making William uncomfortable. As an act of intimidation, Johnny leaned to look straight into William's eyes and said:

- Hear me out, laddie: if Elise here wanted to talk to a knob slobber like ye, she would have done so. If don't want me to batter ye skinny arse, it's wise to let her be.

William have recognized some few Scottish words from what MacTavish said and his eyes widened. Having no choice on the matter, he had to leave.

- You still have to come back to work, Elise!!! We will talk! Whether you want it or not! Whether at work or at your house!!!

Once William disappeared from sight, I've dismantled out of pure tension and fell sat on the bench. Johnny immediately turned to console me. I was in tatters, trying to breathe and to not ugly cry in front of him.

- He knows where I live... I'm screwed, Johnny...! I'm screwed, I'm screwed...!

- The lad is mental but not dumb... Ye'll be okay. - he caressed my arms; I felt some sense of safety. - Look, I have to meet up a lad o' mine and stay for a while on his den. I can escort ye to your place, or ye can follow me for a while before I take ye home? How's the sound o' that?

I looked into Johnny's blue eyes and to my phone. Life was already bad as it is; a little bit of upheaval was nothing. I decided to follow MacTavish and let myself go into whatever the Universe had in store for me.


First Chapter, whew! Welcome to the fic! 🖤

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