Heiress 2.

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König was out on a raid mission, so I was feeling alone at the cafeteria. I sat down on the same spot we used to sit together and quietly ate my meal. Soap came out of nowhere and sat with me; I got jumpy. Of all people... 

- Aye, Torres. how are you?

- Formality is so weird when it comes from you, Soap... 

- Well, we have a story, so that's why. - he chuckled, feeling all awkward.

- How are you in general?

- Who, me? - he got flustered; wasn't expecting my question. - I'm doing okay, eh. 

- Happy to hear. I was pretty worried when you texted me on off-duty. - I took a sip on the orange juice. - Ghost spent the whole night talking to you. 

- You were worried about me...?

- Yeah, why wouldn't I? Ghost had figured you were heavily depressed that night. He appreciates your friendship, even in a distorted way. And I don't wish ill will against you.

A shy smile formed on MacTavish's face. We kept eating our dinner together, quietly. I was the first to finish and was taking my tray to be cleaned up, when Soap stopped me on my tracks:

- Aye, Torres... Wait.

- Call me Elise, Soap. It's okay.

- Alright... Elise. - he slightly blushed. -Thank ye for being considerate of me, eh...

- Not a problem, Soap... I shouldn't, but I'm giving you a chance to earn my trust. 

MacTavish's gaze softened and his blue eyes gleamed. He seemed deeply thankful for my generosity, although I was still recovering from my wounded ego. After all, our paths crossed in a problematic situation anyway; I shouldn't have expected a happy ending.
Mr. Price walked at my direction followed by Gaz, Keegan and Ghost. He patted me on the head, showing his dad smile.

- Ready to learn about your father, Annelise?

- Born ready, Mr. Price. 

- Let's go to the lounge room, yeah? Nobody is there now. 

I nodded in agreement and followed the group to the lounge room. MacTavish caught up with us and we all got ourselves a cup of coffee, hot chocolate or tea. My left leg was restless, my anxiety was building up due to my curiosity. Mr. Price got himself comfortable with his cigar and a cup of black coffee on the lounge's enormous sofa.

Everybody else followed through; Ghost promptly sat next to me and shamelessly made a move, resting his arm behind me and caressing my shoulder with his thumb. It immediately made my restlessness stop. Everybody was stunned, staring at us for a brief moment. 

- Well, kiddo... What you want to know exactly? - Mr. Price was ready to start, enjoying some blows of the smoke.

- Who my dad was on the military... And why his nick was Satan. 

- Well, I'll be damned... That's going to be a hell of a talk, yeah? - he chuckled, in a resigned tone.

- We have the whole night, if necessary, sir. - Soap was just as curious.

- Let's begin. Hendrick behaved as two different types of men, inside and outside of the military. - Mr. Price cleared his throat. - Outside he was a shy man that would get red in the face if we said anything explicit or inappropriate next to him. But when deployed on mission... He was somebody else. Someone viler.

Everyone was invested on Mr. Price's narrative. He then proceeded:

- Hendrick was extremely focused on his job to a fault. He was ruthless; cruel even. He was the higher-ups' favorite. Ghost is a baby angel if compared to your father. 

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