Familiar Path 2.

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⚠️Warning: smut alert! 🌶️

I woke up sore.
I had no idea what time it was.
My face was swollen, my eyes were dry and sensitive. I didn't have the strenght to get out of the bed. I still couldn't grasp the fact that my dad never forgot about me, but at the same time he just gave up on raising me.

I was so angry... So devastated... The feeling of abandonment  and disappointment wasn't going away. The resentment only grew by the minute; although I didn't hate my father. He had his reasons, but these reasons literally excluded me, his only daughter... I was a mess and incoherent, I have to admit it.

I heard the door being opened; somehow I knew it was Ghost. He clearly wasn't the type who knocks, even if his life depended on it. Whatever he had to say, I didn't want to deal with it. His neglect was enough for the day.

- How are you faring, Elise?

-... You fucking left me in the cold.

- I apologize for not being the hugging type.

- And I apologize for being a fucking human.

- Are you really going to act like this?

- Act like what, exactly? Enlighten me, please. - I was hurt, but I was also overreacting.

- I'm not going to feed your frustration, Elise. Knock it off.

-... ...

- Good girl.

- Fuck off, Simon!

- You bloody fucking brat...

The silence was haunting. I thought that I was left alone to cry out... But then it suddenly happened: I got jumped by Ghost.
I can certainly say that I had a heart attack! That humongous masked man on his four all over me on the bed, easily holding my wrists hostage, and also easily keeping my legs apart so I couldn't kick him in the groin. Fairness disappeared from that equation. I was staring at him, absolutely powerless and terrified.

- Listen here, you bloody spoiled chit: the only thing keeping you from being kicked out of my house is your late father's friendship with Price.

- You have no reasons to keep me around besides turning me into your intriguing toy, Simon.

- Don't say my name so frivolously... Shut the fuck up, Elise.

- Make me!

I guess I got him furious... His eyes were widened, his grip on my wrists tightened. In a fast maneuver, he got my both wrists in one hand over my head, and with the other he partially lifted his mask, revealing his stubbed chin and his lips. He was enticing, I couldn't avoid staring at him. He was heavy breathing, and had a natural set of pointy canines. He got closer to my face; his chin stubble stinging my skin. He spoke in a menacing way, gritting his teeth:

- Don't fucking test me, Elise.

- I'm not testing anyone here. Military life doesn't make you a god. - I was scared, but I wouldn't back down.

- Fucking hell... - he growled. - How the fuck am I attracted to this...?!?

I didn't have a single opportunity to reply; he grabbed my face with his free hand and kissed me. I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body; an ecstatic feeling was taking over my entire being. His lips were soft, his tongue was warm, twirling with mine... I tasted some liquor in him; he probably drunk a bit.
The chemistry between us was perfect; he was a very passionate kisser. Our lips were in sync, his moans was music to my ears. I was savoring his kiss as it was the last thing my life would enjoy on earth.

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