Salve Santisima de Las Almas.

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⚠️ Smut Alert! 🍆💦🌶️

The alarm blared at 4:00 am, reminding me that the big day just arrived: I was being sent to a field mission in another country today.
I got out of the bed already feeling nervous, overthinking every move and possibility ahead of me. I glanced at my late dad's picture over the accent table and felt my heart weigh tons.

What he would have said to me in a time like this?
What he would have advised me for my sake?
What he would have done to help me out?
So many questions in my head... And they would remain unanswered for the rest of my life. That sounded so unfair... But life was never fair. I had to accept that.

I took a quick shower and set myself up with a backpack and my general gear. I heard my door slide open and shut and the sound of a bag being dropped on the floor. It was obviously Ghost. He was wearing the scary skull piece, all geared up.

- How are you feeling?

- A tad bit nervous, but I'll manage.

- Remember that we must refrain displaying affection during missions.

- Sadly, I know. - I stretched myself, I was still feeling lazy. - As long as I have some music playing, I'll be fine.

- Good girl. - He approached, towering me. - We have 15 minutes to spare.

- Oh... Suggesting a quickie for breakfast? - I giggled, all flirtatious.

- You should know by now; I don't like to 'starve'... - he lifted the skull piece over his head and the mask halfway his face.

Seeing his rosy and defined lips was always a sexy sight for my sore eyes. He kissed me with his tongue twirling with mine. Ghost pulled me closer to his body, but the gear hindered a bit.
I decided to get bold, and I slowly got on my knees, unbuckling his belt and reaching out for his dick, that was already rock hard.

- What you have in mind, sweetie...? - he was breathy and letting groans escape.

- You deserve some fun... - I unzipped his pants and pulled down the boxer's hem.

His pulsating cock nearly slapped my face. I gently grabbed and started to move my hand back and forth. Ghost tilted his head back and groaned a bit louder. I slowly licked the tip; Ghost's skin was crawling in excitement.

- Oh, God...! I need... To sit down, sweetie... Fuck... - he was almost delirious.

Ghost leaned on the edge of my bed, letting his legs slightly apart. I was back on my knees, playing with my tongue on his dick. He was groaning and muttering, totally lost in pleasure. Once I've put his massive shaft in my mouth, Ghost whimpered. His both hands gripping desperately on the bed sheet.

- Ahn... Oh fuck, sweetie... Your mouth... Feels so... Fucking good...!

I looked up over my eyelashes, seeing Ghost enjoy my mouth sucking him out. As I started to move, he caressed my face, sneaking his hand on the back of my head. He started to take control over my head movement, pushing his hips slightly forward. His groans were loud; his breathing was erratic.
Ghost was gradually accelerating my head movement, I started to feel the tip reach my throat. I was trying to not let my gag reflex take over... I glanced at him; our eyes met.

- My sweet fucking girl... I didn't know you could take my cock like that... - he twirled my ponytail around his gloved hand, slowly pulling me out of the blowjob. - Now I want you to take it all.

I managed to catch my breath for a brief moment before Ghost push my head to his massive dick. I decided to use a hand to stroke him while sucking; he whimpered again. I noticed his arms shaking in excitement. His breathing was getting shallow and inconsistent.

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