Final Considerations.

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Thank you so much for reading my humble fanfiction! 🫂💚

As an amateur writer which English is not the 1st language, I'm so happy to see you all enjoying! That fuels me to write about the other operatives - Soap is officially the next on the list.

Down below goes my considerations that built the fanfiction:

✅️ Simon "Ghost" Riley:

Many people sees him as a militaristic mindset soldier and emotionally illiterate, but I believe he's just deeply traumatized to the point of questioning any and every motive on a person, even though has no motives whatsoever. Based on his solo comics, Simon was a sensible boy, and the constant abuse from his father kinda toughened him up, but in a bad way.

The torture and sexual abuse when he got captured damaged him, but he still had a chance to turn things around. The last straw was certainly the murder of his family and the betrayal of his team... His 'last' known connection with humanity was literally taken away from him.

From that point forward, he shut down as much as he could, while being terrorized by his memories. Like he said on the fic: "I work, maybe sleep and occasionally fuck."
With that being said, he never planned on harbor feelings for Elise... He just wanted to have sex and ditch her.

She reminded him of his younger self after returning from Robas' captivity: the trauma, the hallucinations, the episodes... And she proved time and time again that she fearlessly understood him just as much in numerous occasions, and that opened small cracks on his icy heart.

As the mask being his most important shield from the world, removing it in front of her was the biggest proof of trust and loyalty that he could display to someone out of love. And Elise honored that in her own way, of course.

And yes, I truly headcannon that Ghost is a raging top bissexual with primal kink and touch starved/addicted. He likes feisty and chaotic people, because he can subdue, tame and display ownership on them.

✅️ Annelise "Satan" St. John-Torres:

I created Elise as a "love counterpart" to Ghost; where we could travel around her thoughts and actions while developing a bond between them.
She's pretty ordinary at face value: she's short (5"5ft to be exact), overweight, has body image issues, overthinker, loves self care routines and detest fights, but when provoked she drops the pacifist demeanor and lunge at anyone willing to fight her; whether be verbally or physically... And she goes for the violence until death.

She went through similar traumas like Ghost, but the difference lies on the fact that she seeked medical help and tried to follow through in order to survive. The fact that she was openly and constantly battling her personal torments while trying to be a kind friend - and a potentially loving girlfriend -, was one of the many reasons Ghost liked her so much. Her authenticity was a big factor.

She inherited her late father's battle call (Satan) as a way to cope with the pent up anger, supressed rage and dammed feelings regarding assassination, abuse and death. Elise is a borderline sociopath like her father; letting sometimes her facade slip up and her cold sadism pops out.

Elise may not acknowledge it fully, but she has a very closeted sexual attraction for Soap, and he openly reciprocates it. If he finds a chance, he would definitely have sex with her, maintaining a FWB type of friendship... But she blatantly manipulates his feelings, keeping him at bay.

✅️ Johnny "Soap" MacTavish:

The charismatic, dependable and quick-witted Soap was the first person to meet Elise, and to be undeniably attracted to her.
Not only the Scottish operative was flat out flirting with Elise in every possible occasion, but he was also making the boldest advances, until he managed to score a chance with her.

But Soap is a player with a very high sex drive, so he was dating Elise while keeping his roster active on the side, which it led him to cheat and lose his relationship with her.
Although Soap has a chaotic sex life, deep down he's a hopeless romantic; still yearning for a meaningful connection where he can be comfortably himself in every situation.
His longing for a romantic intimacy often leads him to depressive episodes, fueled by the traumas caused by his line of work... And often putting him in a suicidal ideation.

As much as he doesn't admit it, Soap was extremely dominant towards Elise, and just as possessive as Ghost. The irony is that he still displays such jealousy for her and he doesn't even hide it.
When he wants to put his powerplay in motion, Soap uses his love language via acts of service or servitude to reel Elise in.

In my humble opinion, Soap is a switch who loves aftercare. A bissexual Scottish who had his fair share of sexcapades in life, but he still wonders where his soulmate may it be on this world.

I guess that sums up what I'll be cooking up on the next fic! See you all! 🫂💚

PS: A question... A Season 2 of this fanfic? 👀💙

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