Bravo Zero-Seven.

407 18 4

✅️ Ghost's POV

Holiday Inn Hotel Express; Washington DC// time_unknown.

Fucking hell...
It's been decades since I felt so much bloody pain; what the fuck...!?
The explosion ruined the entire hotel floor's structure; the fumes and the hot debris were everywhere. The bloody bastards who wanted us dead invested heavily on good explosives.

Elise... She seemed disoriented, bleeding profusely from her temple. Aside from that, she was alive, thank fuck.
My arm was fucked. I could feel that it was broken in two places; the pain was off the charts and I was dizzy and nauseated.

- Sweetie... Can you walk?

- Simon...? OH MY GOD, your arm...!

- Is just a fracture, I'm okay. I'll repeat: can you walk?

Despite her bleeding head and dysfunctional pupils from the concussion, she nodded in affirmation. Atta girl.

- Good. Let's evacuate the vicinity before this place blow up for good.

- Okay... Be careful with your arm, babe!

Even in a situation like this, she was worried about me. I guess I would never get used to that. My love Elise. My sweet girl.
We managed to get down some floors through the emergency stairs, but my vision was getting blurry; I was gasping for air. Fucking hell... I knew that feeling.
Internal bleeding. Fuck...

But I shouldn't stop. We were in danger. Vulnerable in the midst of a chaotic situation. We had to keep going. She had to live.
Gyroscope lights... we're out.

"...sked man losing consciousness!"

Fuck... I'm not dying...

"...Simon!?!? Babe, stay with me!!!"

Elise... Sweetie, easy there, I'm just tired...


"Here we are again. In the darkness."

"I'm not dead again."

"So wake up!"

"I'm tired. Got a bloody broken arm."

"Are you leaving her alone?"

"What are you talking about...?"

"OuR sWeEt GiRl, SiMoN..."


- ELISE!!!

A blinding light right in my face. Fucking hell!
Thank God they didn't removed my mask, but I was tied up. Fuck!
My arm was hurting badly, but my concern was centered on Elise. Where was she?!?

I was tied on a stretcher, inside of an ambulance. The paramedic seemed relieved.

- Thank God, you regained consciousness!

- Where's... Elise...?

- The lady who was by your side is receiving medical attention, big guy.

- I want... To see her... Now...!

- That won't be possible. Relax so we can treat your fracture and administrate some pain killers for you, okay? Any allergy to them?

- Elise... My sweet girl...! - I was going insane. I wanted her with me.

- Code seven-eight-zero! We have a struggle situation! Need extra help!!!

Bloody wankers!
I said that I wanted my woman with me, and they ignored my pleas! Motherfuckers, I hate doctors!!! Let me go!!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!

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