All for You.

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I woke up in a jump, looking around confused for a moment. I genuinely thought I was back at the base running late for work.
I got up and walked downstairs, feeling lazy due to the nap. The house was dead silent, I could only smell the aroma of the delicious meal that Ghost ordered, Chinese food. It's been ages since the last time I had Chinese takeout.

I prepared a bowl for myself and sat on the kitchen counter, enjoying each fork full of sweet and sour chicken.
I noticed a sticky note with the unforgettable Ghost's shaky handwriting. "I'm at the basement// enjoy your food." I smiled at that simple piece of paper. His way to show his caring way and reassurance warmed my heart. It was peaceful, simple. I liked that.

I finished my bowl of food, grabbed an iced tea and headed straight to his basement. The stairs were steep, and the illumination was dim, only getting better on the room itself.
He was doing some heavy lifting, masked as always. I sat on an old couch he had there, watching him all focused on his workout.
His grunts were sexy. My mind was floating on the most unholy and messiest thoughts about him. I had to sip the iced tea to snap out of it; I was blatantly staring at his crotch.

He took a pause on his exercises to hydrate himself and stood in front of me, leisurely lifting the balaclava halfway to sip some water. I would never get used to his overall massive figure contrasting with such defined waist. The sway of his hips was hypnotizing. His raspy deep voice snapped me out of it.

-... Did you eat, sweetie?

- What...? Oh! Yeah, yeah! I did, thank you!

- You seem distracted. - he was certainly making a smug expression underneath that balaclava.

- That's what happens when a lucky person date a such fine man like you.

-... "Date"? - he scoffed.

- What makes you think we're not dating?

- Our relationship consists mostly of fucking and sexual advances.

- Well, I heard you say something pretty serious back at the base the night before my enlistment. - I glanced at him, expecting to catch a reaction.

- I don't remember saying anything abnormal.

- You said the famous three words. - I took a sip on the iced tea, trying to control my anxious behavior.

- Quit the riddles, Elise.

- You said, "I love you".

Ghost stopped his thought process; his eyes were widened. He slowly walked towards me, squatting to be at the same height as my eyes, but he still had to hunch. I sensed tension coming out of his voice.

- Is that a sick joke? Because I'm not into that. Quit it. NOW.

- I have no reasons to lie or joke about it, Ghost... I was wide awake that night... You said that yourself. Do you really have feelings for me?

- I... I don't have feelings for anyone in that way.

- You don't have, or you don't want to have?

- ... ...

- Look, I understand your disconnection to certain feelings due to your line of work; but I also know you're still human. And if what you said were your real feelings, I have no problems to tell you I feel the same.

- Don't... Don't do this, Elise.

- Why?

- I don't know why. Just don't do this.

- Simon... Look at me, please.

- Shut up, Elise.

- I love you, Simon.

For a moment, time had stopped. He looked at me with a mixture of mesmerize and terror in his darkened eyes. He supported his torso on the couch while leaning towards me, towering to the point of intimidation. His arms were fencing me, like he was trying to corner me to regain some sense of control.
He was anxious. I shyly started to play with his dog tag while he was staring at me. The tingle sound of the plaques was breaking the uncomfortable silence.

- Fucking hell, Elise... Why did you say that?

- Because it's the truth.

- You mean it...? - his voice broke for a second. That was unexpected.

- One hundred percent. I love you.

- Say it again.

- I love you, Simon Riley. - A smile naturally formed in my face.

Ghost was stunned, looking at every detail on my face, probably hoping that was some form of cruel joke or nasty prank that he could detect in my expression. I gently kissed his masked forehead, followed by his dog tag plaque; I noticed his eyes were teary.
All I wanted was to honor his feelings for me in all sorts of ways. He lifted his balaclava halfway and approached for a kiss. He was in slow cadence again, being more romantic. That's where I knew he was allowing himself to be more open; I loved that. I backed away with a smile.

- I'm shocked that you don't believe me yet... - I chuckled, raising my wrist. - The parachute bracelet that you gave me as a get-well gift; I never take it off. I'll honestly be very upset when it gets worn out and rip it apart.

- I can make you another as many as you want. - he muttered, as if he wanted to hide his emotional tone.

- You made this...?!

- Affirmative, sweetie.

- Oh my God, Simon! I love it more than before!!! - I was all giddy, he chuckled.

- All for you, sweetie.

I squealed and giggled while I kissed him out of sheer happiness. I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving multiple pecks on his lips and his exposed stubled jaw. He was visibly overwhelmed, but liked my overreaction either way.

- Easy, luv... Don't spoil me, eh...

- You deserve to be spoiled, Simon! - I nudged his masked nose with mine. He laughed.

- I like when you say my name.

- Expect me to say it everytime we're alone.

- I like the sound of that... - he kissed me in a more passionate way. - My good girl.

- The more I know you, more I love you, Simon...

- Say it again...

- I love you, Simon... - I chuckled.

He lunged at me on the couch, kissing me everywhere, then deciding to focus on the crook of my neck. I felt a sudden sharp pain on my shoulder muscle; he had bit me. I looked at him, flabbergasted by his audacity.

- Just marking my territory...

- You're unbelievable... - I laughed.

- I love you too, sweetie.


We already on the 20th chapter! 🥳
I'll try to get some rest because I'll have a busy weekend, and my brain will be mushy for a couple of days.
I've come up with some extras via the app chat generator, as part of the story. I'll be posting here. 🤗

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