Looking After my Own Heart.

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Ghost's POV: Task Force HQ; time_unknown//

My bullet wound was still sore after patching my own stitches, but I'd rather pretend that nothing happened than be put under a nurse's care. I didn't want anyone putting their hands on me.

Seeing Elise at the hangar has calmed my nerves. She was teary as always, such a crybaby. She was accompanied of König, so he was following his assignment well. As long as she was safe and having an acquaintance around, I wouldn't presume any troubles.

It annoyed me that she exchanged flirty glares with MacTavish... I have forgot that they were still together. I focused so much on the mission that I ignored most of his small talks about their relationship. If he kept going with his blabbing, I would have murdered him right there and reported his death as KIA. That fucking bastard.

- Second Lieutenant König; how copy stat?

- Classified Report sent to your contact 24 hours ago, sir! - König switched personality, as per usual.

- Copy that, Second Lieutenant. I'll be reading once settled. Thank you.

- You're welcome, sir.

I glanced at Elise; even with a look of suspicion she was beautiful. She was very expressive; I like that on her. Didn't need much to figure out what she was thinking or feeling. Sweet girl.

I went back to my barrack; never craved for a shower like that moment. Removing the gear seemed difficult; my muscles were just as sore. I was halfway of growing a beard; decided to shave under the shower.
I heard a muffled pitched voice coming from the hallway. Apparently, Elise went to MacTavish's barrack. Fucking hell... How I hated that. She shouldn't be with him.

I opened the laptop to read König's report on Elise. Both me and Price agreed on keep the tabs on her, since the possibility of the higher-ups shove her into the field without any training was visibly high.
While reading the report, I was impressed with her performance; she was indeed skilled. The only con out of her pros was her mental health... One of König's side notes caught my attention: he mentioned something peculiar...

"When stressed she's just like me, but unlike me she has coping skills and use them a lot. When angry, she becomes someone else. I don't like that other Elise, she's scarier than me. :("

Interesting... She had the personality switch just like König. And he got uncomfortable because she does the same, but unconsciously.
As I kept reading, I could understand her better. She was far more interesting than I thought.
I forwarded the report to Price and shut down the laptop. I laid down in bed, in hopes to get some shut eye.

Suddenly, I heard some yelling. Fucking hell, fight at that hour...? Are they nuts?

Suddenly the yelling had ceased, finally some silence. But I was already alert, my sleep pattern went to shit again. All I could do was to stay in bed listening to some music to distract...

And then the chaos unravels again. Bloody hell these operators... Wait.

That's Keegan...! He's nervous, trying to wake someone up... Elise?!?

I busted out of my barrack only to see Keegan on his knees with Elise in his arms; she was unconscious. I stopped breathing for a moment. Was she dead...?!?

- What happened to Elise, Keegan?!?

- I have no idea, Ghost!!! I was heading to the cafeteria when I saw her on the floor!

- We need to get her to the Regiment's Hospital, NOW!!!

I pushed Keegan out of the way and got Elise in my arms. König was returning from the gym when he saw me.

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