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The lights... So bright...
I didn't know where I was nor what time was it. My body felt like it was weighting tons; I tried to breathe and it was painfully difficult. I had an IV port attached to my arm. The punction was uncomfortable.
I looked around and it seemed to be a medical room. I was probably at the Regiment's hospital.

The room door opened; revealing a nurse. She seemed focused, walked straight to my IV to check it. Once she finally noticed that I was awake she smiled, seemed somewhat impressed.

- Hello, my dear! How do you feel today?

- What happened...?

- Oh, that's a long story, are you ready to hear it?

I slowly nodded in affirmation, still unable to keep my eyes fully open. The nurse kept checking my state and started to tell everything.

- One of the operators found you laying unconscious on the barracks hallway floor. Your pulse was pretty erratic, so we suspected heavy extenuation leading to a collapse. Open your mouth, please.

She examinated my mouth, eyes and ears. Took notes on a clipboard and computed the data on her examination cart. She then proceeded:

- You were limp, it gave us a good jumpscare. - she chuckled while taking my vitals. - one of the operators, a giant german-talking guy in a mask, he was really scared for your life; we had to administer some tranquilizing pills so he could keep himself under control.

- Poor König... I should apologize to him for making him worried.

- Another masked operator was here, and he made eventual visits. - she took notes about my heart rate. - he's a scary looking man, and pretty quiet as well. But he seemed genuinely worried about you.

Ghost...? Worried about me...?
I was taken by surprise. But then I remembered that he knew about MacTavish's cheating... He wanted me to discover, because he knew I wouldn't believe him.
But at what cost? I freaked out and caused grief to so many people...

- Someone else came here?

- Oh, yeah... Captain Price came to check on you as soon as he heard about your hospitalization. - she was taking my temperature. - He was aggravated, concerned about your well-being. Another operator tried to visit you, but got his visit denied by the scary masked one.

Ghost had barred MacTavish from visiting me... I could only imagine the anger that he was feeling. My stomach twisted once I remembered the texts and the nudes. I would rather give up my job at the Regiment than share the same space with him again.

- For how long I've been out?

- Three consecutive days, dear.

- I want to be discharged... Go home, though.

- That will depend on the doctor, dear. I'm so sorry...

I buffed in annoyance. I knew they would hold me down for a while. I didn't want to be treated differently, but my own meltdown had put me in that spot. Suddenly the comms in the nurse's cart beeped:

- Nurse Galifianakis speaking. Okay. Let him in. She's awake; yes. Try to keep it short if possible. Thank you. Galifianakis out. -she turned her head towards my direction. - You have a visitor, babygirl!

- Who is it? - I was curious; I wanted to sit on the bed, to no avail.

- That will be a surprise! - she giggled, visibly excited on my behalf. - For now, try to rest as much as you can. We also will be bringing some light meal for you. Try to eat a bit, okay?

- Okay, I will try. - I smiled; her demeanor was soothing. - Thank you so much for caring.

- You're welcome, babygirl! See you later!

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