Possessive 2.

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⚠️ Smut Alert! 🍆💦

I've entered my room already looking for Ghost; he was laid down on my bed, with my laptop over his torso, browsing whatever. Once he saw me, he closed the screen and placed it under the bed. He was wearing a white fitted shirt, sweatpants and his trustworthy mask. He was happy to see me; his eyes were quite 'smiley'. He patted on his chest, signaling for me to lay down with him.

- Did I ruined your porn time? - I chuckled.

- I don't watch porn, sweetie. I make them.

- WOW, ladies and gentlemen! Here we have Simon Riley, the big dick energy of the Task Force Team! - I made a hairbrush as my microphone; he giggled.

- Good to know that I'm the "big dick" around here, yeah...

- Your confidence is something to aspire for, is impressive! - I've sat down on the edge of the bed to take off my boots. - I hope to be up to your standards, Lieutenant!

- There's only one way to find out, soldier... Come here.

He wrapped his right arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I laughed at his playfulness while he was groping my breasts and kissing my neck while masked, making me ticklish.

- At least let me freshen up! I haven't seen a shower in over 24 hours!

- I'm not a demanding man... - he sniffed the crook of my neck.

- Simon, let me take a quick shower... I promise that I'll be 'easy access', if you wait a bit!

- Hm... I like the sound of that... - his breathy voice sent shivers down my spine. I unconsciously bit my bottom lip.

I studied his whole body, I was craving for his touch. His dick print on the sweatpants was dragging my attention. He noticed what I was staring, letting out a chuckle. He had slid his hand inside the sweatpants, adjusting his cock. I nearly drooled. He snaped his fingers, giggling at my narrow mindset.

- Well, uh... In five minutes, I'll be right back!

I grabbed a sport panties, a clean tank top and sweatpants. I rushed to the bathroom, in hopes to return to him and enjoy some peace and quiet for a bit.

I took a quick shower, sprayed my favorite body mist and put on my clean clothes, rushing back to my room. Soap was coming out of the other bathroom; the familiar smell of his cologne invaded my nose. He noticed me and smiled with gleaming eyes.

- Aye, Elise!

- Hi, Soap! Finally getting some rest?

- Yeah, staring at surveillance screens the whole day is boring. How's Cap'n Price?

- Stabilized, but still unconscious. Major Parras and Colonel Vargas are taking care of him while I get some rest.

- That's a relief...! - he scratched his head, trying to choose words. - Uh, a question, Elise.

- Go ahead.

- Uh... When you have the chance, can we talk?

- I'm not sure when; why?

Before MacTavish could reply to me the reason, Ghost came out of my bedroom already shirtless, with his arms crossed. His eyes were pure jealousy, his tone was aggressive.

- You said five minutes.

- And five minutes it is, Ghost! - I turned to MacTavish in apologetic tone. - Good afternoon, Soap! Enjoy your rest!

- Good afternoon to ye as well, Elise...!

Ghost pulled me inside of the room by my waist, and then grabbed my ass while staring at MacTavish. He slammed the door shut, and this time he was staring at me. He was delving into my eyes; his pupils were dilated. He was really showing a possessive trait.

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