Downfall: Heaven.

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I woke up with knocking sounds at my door.
Ghost was wide awake, already with the balaclava back on. I got up, gave a quick kiss through the mask and tried to find my sweatpants and tank top to wear. I rushed to open the door, but not really wanting to leave the bedroom. I opened, and it was Rodolfo. He was smiling.

- Perdóname for hinder your rest! - he was all apologetic. - But I bear good news! Captain Price woke up!

- Really?!? That's awesome news, Major Parras! Thank you so much for letting me know!

- You're welcome, Operator Torres! I'll return now to the room; please go see him!

As I closed the door, I sighed in relief. Mr. Price was out of danger! I gathered some clothes to go to the bathroom and freshen up. Ghost was getting up, looking at me.

- Mr. Price woke up, Simon! That's great news!

- I heard it. That's great news indeed.

- Now it's time to get back to work! - I turned to him as I opened the door. - See you at the living room; we need to change these bandages of yours as well!

- I'll be right there with you, sweetie. - I could see his face forming a smile underneath the mask.

As I reached the bathroom, we went on separate ways. I took a quick shower and rushed straight to the living room. Ghost showed up minutes later, catching up to me. He caressed my waist and went to sit at the vacant couch, staring at Price with relieved eyes.
Mr. Price was reclined on the couch, still drowsy and sore. I squatted in front of him, happy to see him conscious.

- How are you feeling, Captain?

- Like shit... - he grunted in pain. - And bloody famished...

- We will prepare something for you to eat, okay?

- Appreciate it, kiddo. - he lined out a weak smile.

I got up to go to the kitchen and prepare some light soup, but Gaz and Rodolfo stopped me. I looked at them confused, seeing Keegan intervening as well.

- Go take care of Captain, Torres! We can cook up something for him.

- But...! - Keegan shushed me.

- Go take care of Captain Price, cookie thief! Also, Lieutenant Ghost needs you too.

I felt my face heat up with Keegan's last sentence. My mind went back to the last three hours and my heart started racing, I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I still could feel Simon's dick thrusts in me; I crossed my arms trying to not to tell on myself.

Gaz tried to hold a burst of laughter; Rodolfo looked confused, but then he glanced at me and promptly understood. Keegan realized what my reaction meant, and his blue eyes widened. He immediately blushed, his stare alternating between me and Ghost, that was staring back at him from the living room.

- Jesus fucking Christ, people...! Nah, just go already, Torres! We take it from here!

I just rushed to the living room, trying to not die of embarrassment, but I could overhear Keegan saying "Did you see her neck?!? Ghost went savage on her, God damn!", while Gaz bursted into laughter.


2 days later; Las Almas, Mexico.

The shooting setback gave us time to have plenty of rest and keep tabs on the cartel, although we had to deal with Sheperd throwing constant tantrums and making disrespectful remarks regarding Mr. Price's health condition.
While he was recovering, we were under Alejandro's chain of command, and he made sure to provide practice training with his crew, the Vaqueros. Since I was the only woman of the entire squad, it wasn't uncommon being the target of some flirty comments, but Ghost was always being my shadow and intimidating everyone, so they eventually stopped.

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