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Warning: Smut Alert! 🌶️💦🍑

I was at a loss of words.
I got escorted to the military prison for "act of violence against an American soldier", disturbance and contempt. I never felt so unfairly treated like that moment. One insult after the other; from mouths that has never seen me in their entire lives. Ghost tried to argue with superiors, to no avail. And the worst of all is that they knew Felicia was the culprit, and yet...

Damn it.

I've spent the following day in a solitary cell, unable to talk to anyone. The space was cramped up, the walls made of cold and wet concrete. The only source of light was coming from the cracks on the iron door. After an eternity not knowing what to do and completely alienated, the iron door opened, creating a horrifying high pitched, rusted sound. The brightness of the outside world made me go blind for a brief moment.

- You're free to go, British operative!

- T-thank you...

- Your Captain and General Shepherd are waiting for you down the hallway to your left.

I nodded as thanks to the jail officer and clumsily walked the cold hallway, still feeling my eyes hurt from the bright lights.
I was feeling dirty; literally sticky and gross. My body was craving for a hot shower, my lotions and body mists. I was missing Ghost. I wanted to get over with all that and go back to normalcy.
As soon as I hesitantly entered the office, General Shepherd had the nastiest condescending expression in his face, but what hurt me was Mr. Price's look of disappointment in the whole situation.

- I guess I don't need to tell you why you went to a solitary cell, Satan.

- Affirmative, sir.

- If it wasn't the intervention of the President of United States of America, you would have rot in there. Be thankful for that! - Shepherd was visibly annoyed.

-We have two off-duty days before leaving, but you won't stay in the complex. - Mr. Price took a deep breath. - You'll be staying in a hotel.

I looked at Mr. Price feeling a lump in my throat. I wanted to speak up; my urge to discuss the situation was increasing. But he sustained my stare and continued:

- The Task Team will be paying for all and every expense, so no need to worry. Once we return to the base, we will discuss this occurrence and define the proper disciplinary measures. For now, pack your stuff and head out to the hangar to hop on a jeep. Dismissed.

I saluted Mr. Price and Shepherd, still quiet and silent. I wanted to cry; the whole situation felt like a dumb set up. I've got my belongings returned, and I walked back to the complex to pack my things with a feeling of utmost defeat.

I had no idea to where I'd be dropped off; I was feeling a weird weight deep in my guts, an anxiety that didn't subside, but it didn't escalate either. As soon as I arrived at the complex, some soldiers were staring, and others were giving me the side eye. The tension was palpable, I wasn't welcomed. I suddenly became a threat to them...
It was all fun and games, all shits and giggles until I showed them the meaning behind my nickname. Idiots.

As I was putting my necessities in the duffel bag, Soap showed up, knocking on the door frame. Seeing a familiar face was some sort of relief, although I was expecting to see Ghost. My heart ached a bit with that disappointment.

- Aye, Elise... How ye feeling, lassie?

- Not my best in this world but hey, at least I didn't die.

- Ye silly heid... - he let out a despondent chuckle. - We hope to see you for a night out, how's the sound o' that?

- I thank you for the invitation, Soap... But I want to isolate myself in these two remaining days.

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