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The group chat that I've created has guaranteed a leverage against the constant watch from General Shepherd's platoon. Keegan secured our devices against remote control, so we could use everything without the risk of being hacked.
Felicia was still trying to get lucky with the guys, especially with Ghost. I wanted to punch her to a pulp. He was clearly fed up with her attempts, but he needed to keep it cool to avoid problems. Gaz and Soap were also being constantly harassed; but Soap had his way with women and escaped from their grasp every time.

Hassan's henchmen were located within the country; we were about to get into action. We would be partnered up with Graves and his Shadow Team. We were training with them on a daily basis, so they could learn our tactical patterns and work in better synch with us. Mr. Price advised us to keep our skills to a minimum, since we didn't know what they were up to. The acting we have been doing to confuse the residence soldiers has been proved to be effective.
As we were getting ourselves prepared, Graves came to check up on us. He walked towards my direction; Ghost got alert right away.

- How's it going, Satan? All set and good to go to mission?

- All fine, Commander. - I smiled as usual.

- Call me Graves, Satan. No need so much formality since we're teammates.

- I thank you Commander, but I think that would be seen as favoritism and inappropriate among your peers.

- Well, as your Commander, I tell you... You can call me Graves. - he lined up a smug expression.

- Don't push her, Graves... She's being polite. - Soap stood up to my defense.

- She can skip formalities with me if we're going to work together. It's totally fine.

- She 'skips formalities' if she wants to, Graves.

MacTavish was really ready to bicker with Graves because of me, but Ghost decided to intervene. I swallowed dry, seeing everything unfold. The volatility of the situation was pretty high.

- We're here to complete the mission, not to fight each other.

- Agreed. - Graves sighed. - I just wanted to lighten up the mood, that's all.

Ghost and Soap glanced at each other; both were clearly sharing the same suspicion. We headed to hangar to regroup with the rest of the Team and the Shadows. Once we hopped on the tactical wagons, Graves spoke through our comms.

- We're about to reach our dispatch point, boys! Get ready to get ugly! It's capture or kill, preferably the latter! Let's go!

I was secretly listening to music, focusing on the mission and keeping my emotions at bay. I had no idea what kind of expression I was carrying on my face, but it was spooking some soldiers. Soap approached me, leaning closer.

- Aye, Satan... Are ye okay?

- I'm fine; why?

- Just asking, eh... - he tilted his head towards Ghost. - Let's go.

As we stopped by the dispatching point, Hassan's henchmen were hidden in an abandoned building near the suburbs, so we should thread carefully around unannounced civilians. The Team was split in two, surrounding the flanks of the area while the snipers were positioning themselves over the other buildings. We circulated around and got welcomed with bullets. The mess just begun. Me and Soap rushed for cover.

- Steamin' hell! They're ready to bust our guts!

- I'll try to catch them from behind! Cover me up, Soap!!! - I grabbed a grenade, rushing between pillars.

The shooting was escalating to a warzone in the middle of the urban area. Some Shadows got shot; one died horribly in front of my eyes. He got shot on the face; the body recoil was fast. My heartbeat skipped some beats, my stomach churned. A lump of thick saliva grew on my mouth and the acrid smell of blood violently invaded my nostrils. Although I was horrified with such gore, I couldn't afford the privilege to dwell on these feelings of disgust; I had to keep going. The remaining Shadow signaled aggressively for me to keep pressing towards the target, and I immediately complied. Then suddenly the comms activated, I flinched.

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