Familiar Path.

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Bonus: Ghost's POV

I woke up with my alarm blaring again at 6:00 am. I've slept well, but I missed Ghost's presence on the bed. I actually didn't even remember when we went to bed.
I scanned the room and nothing. Decided to get up and check the bathroom; nada. All I could think of is that he went hunting with MacTavish again. Despite the whole mess that my mere presence created for them, they were still off duty for a week.

I've put it back the sweatpants and headed downstairs. I went straight to the kitchen, and my stomach growled. This time it had nothing ready; I decided to prepare something for myself from scratch.

Had nothing much in the fridge, so I decided to make some shopping to get some bread and bacon. I grabbed my wallet and my puffed coat; I had no desire in to put on better clothes.
As I was walking to the convenience store, the streets seemed to be empty. I was a bit scared, but I had to press on. Once I reached the entrance, I felt a massive relief. Got the items that I needed, paid through self checkout and promptly walked back to Ghost's home.

A military issued car was parked in front of Ghost's home. It was a beautiful black sedan with special forces badge on the plate. As soon as I entered, all eyes were on me.

- Oh, here comes the topic of the conversation! - the men got up to look at me.

He was just as tall as MacTavish, and had a peculiar beard shape. His eyes resembled my father's; hooded, squinted and caring. He walked towards my direction with his arms wide open. I didn't know how to react.

- I am Capitain John Price. It's a pleasure to meet the daughter of the Major St. John-Torres!

-... Hi. - I was taken aback upon hearing my dad's rank after a long time.

- You must have questions, I can guarantee some answers, eh? - he was leading me towards the living room, nodded to one of the men to carry my groceries bags. MacTavish promptly did.

- You came here just to visit me, sir?

- Positive, dear Annelise. - Even my full name was being said! Oh my God...

- Ghost mentioned that you knew my father, Sir Price...

- Indeed, I knew him. - he sat on a comfy armchair in front of me. - He worked for our regiment for a certain period of time, and was a valuable operator. When he had to return to his original regiment I had to go on little disputes to have him back.

- I guess you also heard when he... - I took a deep breath, I didn't want to ugly cry. - When he passed away.

- I went to his funeral, dear one. It was a terrible loss. I made a promise to him weeks before his passing, and I'm deeply sorry I couldn't be present as I guaranteed to him.

I was confused as to why Captain Price said that, but then he handed me three letters. They were all adressed to me by the petname my father used to call me; 'shortcake'. My eyes got immediately teary.

- Are those from...?!?

- Positive, Annelise.

I was shaking, my legs were restless. I was in complete disbelief from what I just got; I couldn't wait to read them! I've opened the first letter, eager to read his words addressed to me.

"My sweet Shortcake;

By the time you receive these letters I will probably no longer be with you, and that makes my heart shatter. You are my precious daughter, the living proof of the love between me and your mom. We had plans of trying to give you a sibling, but my life has been hectic and your mom don't deserve to be alone most of the time raising the both of you. She's the Queen of my heart and deserves my presence and my undivided attention.
You must have grown to be a lovely lady, with great aspirations and beautiful dreams. The little princess who turned into a fierce empress, like I always envisioned you to be. And you can be certain that wherever I am nowadays, I'm really proud of you. I will always be.
You have no idea of how much it pains me to write these letters. You and your mom has always been my priority, despite of my job demanding so much out of me. Missing your mom and important milestones in your growth is a wound in my heart that will never heal. I blame myself daily for my choices and for allowing you both to suffer with the consequences.
Captain John will be overlooking for your well being once I cease to exist in this world. I trust him with my soul, and that soul is you, my Shortcake.

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