Downfall: Purgatory.

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I needed to figure out where I was.
I didn't know that during the night a forest could be so dark, dense and... Scary.
I couldn't see an inch beyond my nose; all I could feel is that I was stepping on tree sticks and leaves and stumbling on some stones. I was having some jump scares when I tried to seek support on trees; thankfully I was wearing gloves. The burning pain on my left ribs were agonizing, but I was somehow managing it, despite the blood. Probably was a scratch... One could only hope.

After walking for a God-awful long time, I had no more energy to spare. My legs were wobbling, feeling like my shins were about to snap. I leaned on what would it be a tree, tried to catch my breath and recover some strength. My eyesight was starting to get used to the thick darkness, that brought some relief.
I tried to activate the comms, to no avail.

- Bravo 0-7; Bravo 7-1, how copy? Bravo 0-7; Bravo 7-1, how copy? Ghost...? Soap, you there? Shit...!

None of them were responding. A lump grew on my throat, I wanted to cry. I took a deep breath and wiped my tears from my eyes. I remembered I had my earbuds and my phone with me; although it hadn't a single signal, at least I had some music to comfort me.

I tried to activate the comms again, in a delusional hope that it would miraculously work. I've let out a deep sigh and ended up sitting on the tree roots.
While the song "Hold On" from Limp Biskit was playing, I accidentally activated the comms again, but then I heard some activity. Thank God!!! I tried to call them again, to no avail. My expectations dropped. God damn it!

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, because I could hear them... But they couldn't hear me. It was possible that my end of the communication was busted; the shooting broke something. But it was a relief to hear their voices again; it gave me an energy boost to keep going.
I got up, although I flinched due to my wound still bleeding a bit. I looked around and remained walking, while hearing them talk.

"... We need to find Satan, LT! Any idea to where she run off to?"

"If I knew her location, we wouldn't be having this conversation, Johnny."

"Sorry, sir. I'm just too worried about her."

"Should I be concerned of how much you're 'worried', MacTavish?"

"Are you really going to air up the dirt here, sir?"

"We've got all night."

"That's what I'm afraid of..."

I suddenly heard gun shots and pained grunts. They were probably fighting people from the cartel. My heart was pounding. I hoped that they weren't hurt.
I finally found some light source, and while walking a bit further, a rudimentary lamp post was lighting up a wood facility. I crouched through a broken part of the fence, trying to find some help. The comms reactivated, and they kept talking.

"I'm still waiting for an answer, Johnny."

"I do like her, LT... But not the way you're thinking about."

"Define 'the way', because I'm genuinely curious."

"Setting me up for a trap, sir...?"

"Quite the opposite."

"Okay, I'll fall for it."

"Go on."

"Satan is cute, incredibly smart, and... With all due respect; she's sexy."

" I can't argue against that."

"But I also know that she will always choose you."

"I'm glad you know."

"You like her, LT?"

"That's a dumb question, MacTavish."

"Nah... We have the whole night to discuss that, LT."

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