Wicked Games.

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Warning: Smut Alert! 🍆🍑🌶️

I woke up in a jump, thinking I was late for work... I looked around confused while sitting on the bed and remembered the whole ordeal earlier in the morning. I was still a bit disoriented; so much happened in over 48 hours... I was expecting a bit of shake up, but that was just ridiculous!

I looked at my phone screen and was accusing 2:00 pm. My stomach immediately rumbled so loudly that almost hurt. I decided to quickly freshen up, grab my fluffy house robe and go down the stairs to snack something.

The house seemed quiet. It was frightening. I felt like I was being held captive, but then I saw a sticky note on the kitchen counter, followed by a hearty english breakfast meal, still warm:

"We went on a hunting session // We will be back by evening."

The same shaky handwriting... It was Ghost's, pretty sure of it.
I wouldn't refuse all that food, so I went all in. It was probably my hunger 'speaking', but that meal was specially delicious.
I washed the dishes and put the leftovers in the fridge. Decided to take a bath; Ghost had a very nice bathtub in his master bedroom and I had my bathbombs in the duffel bag. The opportunity presented itself!

I've connected my phone to a charger and have set up a playlist while the water was running. As soon as it started playing, I started to separate my lotions, body mist and many creams. I was dancing and singing (or at least trying to), enjoying my very first day unemployed. It was a funny feeling; not have to worry about life after quitting a job...

I was so entranced with my own self-care solo party that I didn't notice right away that the door was a bit ajar.
While I was spinning and going on a blast while singing "Ansi Bas La Vida Ansi" from Indila, I bumped full face into something... Then I realized it was someone... A man's torso. It was Ghost.

- Afternoon.

- OH MY GOD, I'm so sorry!!! - I panicked; I was wearing nothing but a towel. - I didn't mean to make a mess!!!

- You've done nothing wrong.

Ghost was looking everything methodically, like he didn't want to miss a detail. He was wearing some hunting clothing, and the balaclava was camo version. He had his hands on his pockets again; at this point I realized what that meant.

- C-Can I make you... A personal question, Ghost...?

- Depending on what you're about to ask, my answer will be no.

- Okay, let me just... - I fearfully pointed his hips. - Does this behavior have something... To do with me...?

Ghost for a moment seemed confused, he wasn't correlating my question with his body parts... But when he did catch up of what I meant, he let out a loud sigh. I was sitting on the cubic ottoman, trying to keep the towel wrapped on me, Ghost walked towards my direction, and stood right in front of me. I was literally facing his crotch.

- ...Then the answer is yes. - he used his pointer finger to lift my chin up.

I became feral. I wasn't thinking, and he has been boiling up my urges for a good while already... I've licked my lips while keeping eye contact with him, I was literally begging for him with my eyes. I was twisting my legs, trying to contain myself. He was observing my every move, my urgency, my struggle.
He then went on his knees, supporting his weight on the sides of the ottoman. He was once again studying me, always resting his glare on mine.

- I have to admit, you bring the weirdo out in me. - he got closer; sniffing the crook of my neck until my shoulder. - I'm not so into... Into sex like any normal person.

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