Between The Lines: Ghost.

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I clocked in with my hands getting horribly sweaty. My heart was at full speed, I was trying to focus but it was impossible: I've typed my clock in code wrongly twice. I tried to do some peripheral glance, and saw a co-worker coming at my direction. Thank God; it was Camilla. I liked her, though.

- Thank God, you're alright... - she sighed in relief. - What happened?!?

- Hi, Camilla... - I was confused. - What you mean, 'what happened'? I'm here, am I not?

- We saw you dumping William in broad daylight yesterday. He was fuming through his vents, gal!

- He stalked me home, Camilla. If wasn't for a friend, I don't know what would have happened.

- HE DID WHAT?!? - she gasped, totally flabbergasted. - That bloody wanker! You should report his arse to the police!

- It's okay, it won't be necessary.

- What you mean, 'it won't be necessary'? Girl, are you playing with your safety, eh?!?

- You'll maybe see it why soon. - I giggled, feeling confident upon remembering MacTavish and Ghost.

Camilla seemed both curious and confused, but didn't add more to the convo. Suddenly I heard my name being called. The voice was from the General Manager. Hell was about to begun...

- Ms. Torres, good morning.

- Good Morning, Mr. Brooks.

- Could you step up at my office for a brief moment, please?

My stomach dropped. I knew what that would mean... And I was expecting that, but not wanting to deal with it.
Every step was putting me in a state of fright. My vision was getting blurry, I wanted to scream and run. Nausea kicked it, but I took deep breaths. If I wanted to be useful in my new job, I had to cut off all my loose ends on the old one.

- Take a sit, please. - he gestured offering the chair. I was cautious.

As soon as I looked to the side, my panic kicked: William was there. GOD DAMN IT, WHY...?!? WHY?!? I felt like I was going to die... WHY?!?

- Ms. Torres, I remember when you first started here, and I never received a single complaint about you in 5 years. You have been an exemplary employee.

- W-what's the problem...? - I was shaking from head to toes; William was staring at me, likely enjoying my panic.

- Unfortunately I came across to a formal complaint against you yesterday. It was pretty disturbing; let me add it.

- You could have avoided that, Elise... But I had to write you up.

Upon hearing my name on his mouth, I just gagged. I was feeling lightheaded; I needed some air. I groped my bag trying very hard to not burst out from that office room. I shouldn't back down.

- What are the accusations...?

- Let me see here, one moment. - the general manager was rustling some papers searching for the write-up. - Oh, here it is; contempt against your superior, morally harassing him publicly.

- Did he even tell you the truth...? - my left leg was restless.

- What truth are you refering to, Ms. Torres?

- He tried to flirt with me and other various female co-workers. - I was staring to William, he was transfiguring out of hate. He clearly wanted to hurt me. - And he stalked me to my home during his working hours.

- Is that so? And the other co-workers; who would they be?

All of them. They filed for sexual harassment before, but nothing's been done. I wonder why.

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