Between The Lines 2: Elise.

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Bonus: Ghost's POV

We arrived at Ghost's house. I was relieved that the problem with William and the store got solved, but now another issue was ahead: my house and personal stuff.
I wasn't a minimalistic type of girl, so I definitely had lots of stuff, especially things from my parents. I was really fond of them.

- We can go to your home and ye can figure out what ye want to keep around ye. - Johnny was munching some peanuts.

- I'm worried about the house, though. I'm not sure if I should sell it... - I was putting the cake away in the fridge.

- You won't sell it. - Ghost was focused on sharpening a knife.

- Really?

- That's yer home, lassie. Ye need a place to come back to when off duty.

- Then I want to go and get some necessities... Is that okay...? - I glanced at Ghost for reassurance.

- Let's go there, then. - he got up and patted me on the head.

We walked all the way to my house, and once I unlocked the door, it was another universe compared to Ghost's house: the window shutters were clearer, the furniture more colorful. McTavish entered right after me, and he was curious about everything. Ghost closed the door behind him, carefully studying the place. As I was separating some things I would want to keep having with me, I saw Ghost looking intensely to my father's memorial.

- My dad was in the military just like you guys, but that is all I know.

- He seemed to be a good man.

- And he was. - memories flooded my mind; I smiled. - Every time he was off duty, he would pick me and my mom up from Brazil to spend the time with him. I miss him a lot.

He was silent, looking at all the medals, the trifolded flag, the last gun my father carried. I knew he was curious, so I gave the answer to what he was wondering.

-... He committed suicide. My mom died from late diagnosed cancer while he was on a mission. Once he heard what happened, he gave up.

- My condolences, sweetie.

- Thank you, Ghost. I appreciate it.

-... Simon.

- Is that your name? - I slowly approached him.

- Positive.

We were staring at each other; an urge to get closer to him was growing within me. I unconsciously tried to touch his masked face, but he quickly grabbed my wrist, with a scared look in his eyes. His grip was painful; I flinched. He let me go and backed away. My eyes were teary and my wrist was sore with the mark of his grope.

- Don't fucking touch me.

- I'm sorry... - I was confused and hurt.

Johnny had witnessed everything with lamentable eyes. He was clearly judging Ghost, but he wouldn't defy him. I kept going with picking up necessities and put everything on a big duffle bag. Johnny had picked up the bag and offered to carry for me. Ghost was side eyeing him, visibly displeased.

- I have nothing else to get from here. All I have to do is lock everything up before I go.

- Go ahead, lassie. - MacTavish smiled at me. - Do yer things, we will be here.

After I locked up windows and extra doors, they both were outside waiting for me. I locked the front door and blatantly avoided Ghost; walking back to his home just chit-chatting with MacTavish.

- Excited to start working for the Team regiment, lassie?

- I'm a bit cautious, although I'm not going to lie; I'm a bit excited.

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