(Un)known Territory 2.

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✅Bonus: Ghost's POV

I recomposed myself after being consoled by Mr. Price and Johnny. Ghost was observing the whole thing unfazed; or at least that was I could notice out of him. Once we headed to the base, layers of security doors were being slowly opened. By the third and last door, an elegant and imposing mature woman welcomed us at the lobby.

- Welcome back, guys. - she looked at me with a warm grin on her face. - And welcome to 141 Task Force Regiment, Annelise St. John-Torres. I'm Kate Laswell; Chief Station.

- Hi, Mrs. Laswell... Thank you for having me here. - I shyly nodded.

- I can only assume that these grown punks made you cry? - she chuckled, looking at my puffed eyes.

- Oi oi, Laswell! Too early to be nasty here, eh! - Mr. Price went on defensive mode.

- It's never too early to put you all in check. - she redirected her eyes to me. - I hope to see your skill set in action, Annelise.

I felt my face burn. All I could think of at the moment was to hide. She chuckled at my shyness. The faith everyone was putting on me was more than I could handle. But once in hell, hug the Devil, right?
While everyone was talking, Ghost approached me from behind and slouched for a second; whispering in my ear. I shivered.

- We need to talk.

- Haven't we talked enough already?

- I'll visit your barracks later.

- What?!? But...!

He didn't even waited for a reply; he just turned and left. I was confused and flabbergasted; for how long he would drag me around?
I noticed Johnny staring at me with an intrigued expression. I felt my stomach drop; I didn't want him to think that I was cheating on him right off the bat. I took a deep breath, trying to regain control over my own nerves. Johnny approached me, visibly concerned.

- Aye, lassie... What LT wanted with ye?

- I'm not sure anymore, Johnny... - I looked over my shoulder; I could see Ghost talking to the tall masked soldier König and another operator. - All I know is that he's been acting weird. He wants to talk.

- He wants to talk...? Oi, that's weird alright...

- He knows that we're dating, Johnny... That's why.

- Oh, I get it. - he scratched the back of his head. - Look, have the talk with him.

- Are you sure, Johnny?

- One hundred percent, lassie. - he caressed my arm, reassuring me. - I'm sure he will understand on his own terms, eh...

I've let a weary smile take over; I was unsure of what to expect from my conversation with Ghost, and the blind confidence that Johnny was depositing in him was scary.
Mr. Price walked towards my direction with a warm smile and a cigar on his mouth.

- Annelise, I've put one of the operators to guide you here, eh! Unfortunately duty calls.

- Okay, Mr. Price. Thank you for welcoming me.

- You're welcome, my child. - his smile made my heart get lighter. - König will be responsible for internal guidance and will escort you for outing affairs. Is that okay?

- Okay, sir...! - I finally saluted properly.

- Atta girl. Now I'll go back to work; please check your phone often, eh? I'll be calling ya from the special number, as I promised.

I nodded in affirmation and walked towards the operators bundled at the lobby. Ghost was still talking to some of them.
The impossibly tall operator named König had made eye contact with me; I shyly smiled. He literally flinched and tried to hide himself behind Ghost. I was confused. What have I done?

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