Rebounds & Relapses.

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The safe house had two bathrooms; I went to the closest one to my bedroom at the end of the corridor. I've let the hot water soften my sore muscles and wash away my tension.
I dressed a fitted tank top and a pair of jeans; I wanted to bask some freedom in the hot weather. Only when I looked in the mirror that I realized how much of cleavage was exposed on that tank top. Damn it!

I felt so self-conscious... Why did I have such a big pair of breasts?!? It was already bad wearing a loosen t-shirt; with a fitting tank top it was like I was dressed for a man's magazine! Ghost would definitely pick fights with the others out of jealousy if he saw me wearing that!
I had no other option; had to go back to my bedroom and put on my jacket to cover that pair of insanities. I've hugged my used clothes to hide it and turned the doorknob.

As I got out of the bathroom, I saw Alejandro and MacTavish on the corridor; they were talking about futebol. As soon as I passed by them, I felt their gaze upon me. The chills that went down my spine was enough to make me get triggered into a downward spiral of paranoia. 

I closed my bedroom door and tried to search in the back of my mind for any coping mechanism that I could use. 
"Calm down Elise, calm down Elise... Breathe; always remember to breathe! It's okay!", I was repeating affirmations to myself.

I was already shaking and having trouble to breathe; too distressed and tired to even think straight. The knocking on my door made me jump. My heart was at my throat. Fear was under my skin.

- W-who is it...?

- It's me, Gaz...Captain Price asked me to get you. Is everything okay, Elise?

- I'm... I'm fine...! - I opened the door slightly, visibly shaking.

- Bloody Christ, girl! You're trembling badly! 

- Could you bring... Bring a cup of water for me, Gaz...? Please?

- On it! Anything else to help you?

- T-that's all, Gaz... Thank you so much... - A weak smile lined out on my face.

Gaz immediately left to get me the cup of water. I closed the bedroom door and slowly paced towards my backpack, looking for my meds. I couldn't face Mr. Price while going through a mental mess.

I heard knocking again when I found one of the pill bottles. My legs were starting to fail me; that was a very bad sign... I walked holding on the furniture and leaning on the walls. I answered the door, putting more effort than I would like to admit.
As soon as I opened, it was Ghost... And he had a water bottle with him.

- Let me in.

- Okay... - I was breathless, trying to keep myself together.

Ghost barged in and shut the door with his foot, picking me up with one arm and throwing me over his shoulder. He walked towards my bed and placed me seated on the edge of it. My head was spinning, I was about to throw up...

I covered my mouth and desperately signaled for the trash can; Ghost promptly handed me. The snacks and the coffee literally abandoned my stomach, that was twisting and hurting so bad from the vomiting. I grabbed a hand towel and cleaned my mouth. I glanced at Ghost, and he was reading my pill bottles' prescription. He separated the exact quantity of pills and handed to me.

- T-thank you...

- Not a problem, sweetie. - he offered me the water bottle, I happily accepted.

I've laid down on the bed to let the medication take effect and I was drowsy from the adrenaline crash. Ghost had laid down next to me with his back against the wall, spooning me. Feeling his warmth and his touch was comforting and grounding. He rested his masked face on the back of my neck, I shivered. I missed him so much...

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