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I woke up earlier than usual, took a warm shower and set myself for the trip back home. I organized my duffel bag and backpack next to the door and went for a walk, since I had some time to spend.

As I walked through the barracks hallway, I looked at the place where I fainted. I was only 10 steps away from MacTavish's barrack. That very spot was the turning point to so many things in my life... I held my dog tag, fidgeting the emboss of the engraved letters.

I went to the cafeteria and decided to get some coffee. I was craving some cappuccino, but I was content with some simple coffee and cream.
As I sat with my mug, Gaz showed up. He smiled, walking towards my direction clearly eager to sit with me.

- Morning, Elise! And welcome to the Task Force, by the way!

- Good morning, Gaz! Thank you, though. - I smiled.

- So, how things are going? On the next deployment, you'll be going through intensive training and straight up to your first mission. - he took a sip of hot chocolate.

- I'm still processing the whole thing... When Ghost offered the job here at the Task Force, at first it would be strictly administrative. Now I'm part of a special force field. The promotion escalated very quickly! - I chuckled.

- Believe me, we weren't expecting that either. The higher-ups sometimes are fucked up in the head, but that was a new level of fucked up. - he took a sip of his mug. - Which brings the question: So it's true, then?

- What you mean?

- That you are the daughter of the scary Hendrick "Satan" St. John?

- Yeah, I am. - I was feeling shy. - But why scary?

- It's not my place to disclose anything, but according to the 'legends' around the Task Force, Satan was responsible for dismantling of a human trafficking organization.

- And that's a good thing, right?

- He received medals and whatnot for that, obviously. But the dark part of it is that the reports relating to that mission are heavily redacted. And the uncensored originals are sealed somewhere in a Secret Service of an undisclosed country.

- Was that bad...? I can't imagine what my dad could have done that would be seen as heinous.- I was morbidly curious, sipping my coffee.

- Whatever your late father did on that mission, apparently it was enough to hide forever. Some gossips and speculations emerge here and there, but I guess you should ask Captain Price about it. He was part of your father's team when it happened.

I looked at Gaz, astonished. What my dad have possibly done that was worth to hide forever? I kept that in the back of my mind, because I would want to know in a near future.
Suddenly my thought process got interrupted, Gaz nudged me with his elbow.

- MacTavish is coming in your direction; get ready. - Gaz kept a smug face while sipping his chocolate.

- Oh, hell no... - I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

MacTavish approached me in a awkward way; I sensed that it could escalate. I glanced at Gaz for support and he understood right away.

- Aye, Elise... Can we chat?

- I don't think that we have anything worth "chatting", Soap.

- At least an apology, eh?

I looked at him doubtfully, fidgeting the mug. He was anxious, scratching the back of his Mohawked head.

- Go ahead.

-Aye, Gaz, would ye excuse us?

- Gaz knows everything. - I interrupted him on his tracks. - he will stay here.

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