Bravo Zero-Six.

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✅️ Johnny " Soap" MacTavish's POV

Shadows Headquarters; time_unknown

I was pissed.
Elise had to be literally exiled from the American base because of a barrack skank. It was obviously a set up! And to make it worse; Ghost went after her.
He offered himself to be her "supervisor"... I couldn't believe in my ears when he did that. He even filed a tutor form! Such a fandan, eh!

I have to admit, I was jealous. I wanted to be in his place, being with her without interruptions... Enjoying her sweet presence, hug her whenever I wanted to... Maybe have a chance to...
ARGH! I was getting out of my mind! When will I ever get over her...?!?

I fumbled her out of immaturity. She was an awesome lass; I was thinking with my dick. And after losing her, even though we're basically friends, I was still spending some nights jerking off to her image, fantasizing having sex with her once again. I wasn't okay. Fuckin' steamin' Jesus...

We had two days to rest before returning0t to the 141 HQ base. It would be the dullest two days ever, but it was better than nothing. I decided to go talk to Cap'n Price; I was bored. I knocked on his door's office, expecting to be shunned.

- Come on in, soldier!

- Hi, Cap'n.

- What can I help ya, Soap? - he was browsing a few papers, signing others.

- Just lost in thoughts. Passed by to kill time.

- Apparently I look like a hobby to you!

- Nae, Cap'n.... Don't get me wrong like that, eh...

- All this "boredom" has something to do with Elise, I presume. - he sat in his chair, preparing a cigar.

- Y-yes and no at the same time... - I was a bit embarassed. - I'm worried about her.

- Let's not lie to each other here, Soap; It's obvious that you still like her.

I swallowed dry, unable to keep eye contact. Price was seeing right through me, and he kept going:

- I still can't understand how you managed to lose her; such mistake deserve a punch in the face or a bullet in your arse.

- I was being egotistical, Cap'n. Inexcusable, but that's what happened.

- Look, son... Elise has suffered enough. That girl has seen death more times than us. She lost just as much. The fact that she and Simon like each other has more to do with their past scars than anything else. Let them be.

- But Cap'n...! - I was hesitant, but I couldn't avoid protesting. - L.T is abusive with her! He treats her like a possession!

- I've seen them interacting, and all I see is a man bloody scared to lose his woman! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

- ...I don't think that's funny, Cap'n. Sorry.

Price enjoyed his cigar, slowly blowing smoke up in the air. He looked at me with suspicion, trying to read my intentions.

- If you think that I'm going to call back Ghost, you're must be out of your bloody mind, son.

- Never said you would, Cap'n.

- Good, because ~

The conversation got abruptly interrupted with Gaz barging in with a sense of urgency. Cap'n Price had a keen sense for that kind of behavior; he immediately got up, ready to dash out of the office.

- Captain! We have an emergency!!!

- Brief it, Gaz!

- The hotel, Captain...! The hotel where Lieutenant Riley and Satan is staying just exploded!

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