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Dazed and confused.
What just happened...? A bomb...?!?
A bomb in the food service cart... What the hell...!

Half of the floor that we were in got completely destroyed; the hotel structure got compromised.
Evacuation. Ambulances everywhere. Panic. A wave of insults, cussing and deafening screams. The desperate cries were unsufferable. I was wrapped up on a blanket under the care of a paramedic. A massive headache just strung in my head... Any movement made was making my entire body hurt. It was an unbearable experience. A nightmare.

Simon...? Where was he?

I noticed Gaz coming towards my direction, clearly distressed. The paramedic was taking my blood pressure; I hated the squeezing of the brace. He jumped into the ambulance, making sure no one saw him.

- Thank God you're alive!

- Gaz...? Where's Simon...?

- Lieutenant Riley is being treated for the broken arm. They had to heavily sedate him, but he'll be fine. But how about you?

- The bomb... The bomb was meant to kill me and him, Gaz...

- What? Are you serious?!?

I nodded in confirmation, feeling my brain float inside my skull. The pain that it caused made me wince. Gaz was furious, which led him to unbutton the pistol holster he was wearing. He was highly alert, suspecting of anyone in the vicinity. In a sudden move, he shut one of the ambulance back doors and made sure that nobody was within the sight range. He withdrew his phone and called a number. It was Mr. Price's.

- I found her in the crowd, Captain.

- How's she faring, Gaz?

- Been better. - Gaz glanced at me, concerned.

- Don't leave her alone. I'll be right there with the team.

The call ended, and Gaz turned his attention back at me. I wanted to see Simon... I was scared of what could happen to him, since they got him sedated because of the broken arm.
I couldn't trust anyone anymore. I was exhausted. My panic attack was brewing inside of me, and I didn't have my meds. The term despair couldn't even cover the whole situation.

After long minutes, both ambulance back doors got shut and the sound of the engine running has begun. A familiar voice was heard from the front seat, but I didn't have the strenght to smile.

- Hold tight back there, kiddo.

- Hi, dad... I mean, Mr. Price...

- Don't worry, we're going to somewhere safe.

- Okay...

I was feeling defeated, empty inside. All I could think about was Simon... If he was suffering, if he was uncomfortable, if he was missing me, if he was awake or still unconscious... To hell with everything else, I wanted to see him.

The ambulance stopped after a long time; I couldn't tell if it hours has passed. I was dozing off constantly, lost track of everything. The back doors opened and I saw Keegan. He was settling a wheelchair for me. Gaz lifted me up in his arms and safely seated me. I looked around and it was horribly dark; the moon was the only light source. A second ambulance has parked on the oposite side of us, and Soap hopped off from the front seat. Upon the opening of the back doors, a wheel stretcher got pulled out; Simon was laid unconscious, with his right arm immobilized. My eyes got watery; my heart ached seeing him like that. Keegan handed me in the wheelchair to Gaz, and ran to open a sliding door. I had no idea where we were.

- My ranch doesn't seem much, but will keep y'all safe from any attempt or craziness. - Keegan welcomed us in what seemed to be his property.

- We thank you for letting us stay here for the time being. - Mr. Price was appreciative. - Until we figure out what really happened, it's best for all of us to stay hidden as much as we can.

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