Protective: Johnny MacTavish.

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Bonus: MacTavish's POV

It was awkward being escorted by two massive soldier men while walking my way to work.
Everybody was staring or feeling intimidated, especially because of Ghost. He was already a huge man and wearing the skull print balaclava even in public wasn't helping!
I could swear that I even heard some kids that were walking to school calling him 'the Grim Reaper'. But he didn't seem to care, though.

As soon as we arrived, I saw that someone had already opened the store. I was dreading the moment to clock in.

- You want me to enter with ye? - Johnny was genuinely worried; that was very sweet of him.

- It's okay, Johnny. I'll find the courage; I always have to. Thank you, though.

- We will be on the premises watching you. - Ghost was firm on his tone. - Be careful.

I went to hug Ghost, but he stopped me with just a hand gesture, clearly telling me to back down. I shyly stepped back and turned to MacTavish. He promptly opened his arms and enveloped me on a protective hug. He kissed me on the cheek, but I sensed that he purposely kissed me too close to my lips. I looked into his eyes for a moment; I felt a heat surge between my legs. He was clearly testing the waters with me... And my hypersexual mania hasn't subsided yet. Ghost was observing everything quietly.

I entered the store, feeling my heart pounding... It was time to face some fears.


MacTavish's POV // Manchester, 5:15 am.

I woke up well rested, like I have been lying on clouds. LT Riley had good quality furniture; I give him that. I freshened up and chose some spare clothing to change into, picked a clean towel and headed out to the bathroom. LT was already nowhere to be seen... That man barely sleeps, I swear to God!

Took a shower and was ready to face the world. It was weird to be off duty for such long time as a whole week, but at least I wasn't off duty by myself... And that was good. My head would be out of my crazies for a while.
I went to the bedroom next to mine to check on Elise, and she was soundly asleep. Such a dainty wee lass she is! I rapidly took a liking to her, especially because she was so keen to seek my protection. I felt somewhat important outside the Team.
I went downstairs and browsed the refrigerator for some quickie scran, and it had so much Coke with weird flavor, milk and lots of tea, looked like a god ol' fucking britt refrigerator. My stomach was rumbling, but all I could do was to wait on LT Riley to return from whatever he was about.

I suddenly heard the door opening and shutting, and LT showed up carrying something. I never understood how he was so comfortable strolling around while wearing that mask. Was he that ugly? I guess I'll never know.

- Good day to ye, LT! - I automatically saluted.

- Morning, MacTavish. - he looked at my direction, while removing his jacket and grabbing his phone. - Did the girl Elise wake up?

- Negative, sir. - I sat on a barstool and leaned on the kitchen counter, curious about his thoughts. - still sleeping.

- Good. She will probably wake up by 6 o'clock. Take that basket to her. - he pointed to a plastic basket over an accent table. - it's her clothing from last night.

- Did you do her laundry, LT? Such a good boy! washing girls' panties and all! - I chuckled, because I knew he would be annoyed by that taunt.

- Fuck you, MacTavish. Are you reducing me to a creep? - Oh. He really got angry... His pupils were darkening his eyes. I fucked up.

- No, sir. I'm sorry.

- Go upstairs and take the bloody basket to her. I will order something for us all to eat.

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