Insomnia: Ghost.

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I slowly opened my eyes and felt weirded out; something wasn't right. It took me a minute to remember that I wasn't in my bed; let alone in my house. I looked around and the sound of the heater running was the only thing audible. The window shutters were incredibly dark. I rolled to the side to reach out my phone over the nightstand and it was showing 2:30 am. Crap.
"I don't think I will be getting back to sleep anytime soon..." I thought to myself. I tried to check any updates, but I had no wifi signal, and my phone plan wasn't great for a 5G usage. I decided to give up on the phone and got out of the bed for a possible cup of water.

I've opened the bedroom door slowly, hoping that the door didn't release any creaking sounds. I tried to avoid any kind of noise, worried that I would hinder their sleep. So tiptoe, here I go!
While walking across the corridor, both doors were slightly open. On the guests' room, I saw Johnny sleeping soundly on his stomach, hugging a pillow. He looked so peaceful; it was cute to see such big man so vulnerable. On the other hand, in the office room, Ghost was sleeping on the office's couch, still wearing the balaclava. I instantly felt bad for taking over his place of rest and comfort. I've lowered my head and kept going towards the kitchen.

His flat had the same layout as mine, so it was easy to reach out the kitchen without problems. I tried to seek some source of light, searched for a light switch. As soon as I felt one on the wall, bingo; the kitchen was lit.
I've looked cautiously through the upper cabinets, seeking a cup and had no luck. Checked his dishwasher for it, and also nada. I've opened his fridge, and it was stocked with Coca Cola coffee flavored, some energy drinks and leftover iced teas. I felt like a thief, but I was thirsty, and leftover iced tea was better than nothing!

- I hope he forgive me for this... - I said to myself while browsing his drinks. - Misericórdia, he drinks the craziest flavors here! Not even a peach flavored one...

- The peach flavored is on your right, next to the milk.

I jumped and let it out a high-pitched gasp. Ghost was right behind me, with his arms crossed, coldly staring at me. His skull printed balaclava was only making the whole situation worse. My heart was about to jump out of my throat!

- I just wanted something to drink! I... I'm sorry!

He was just standing there seeing me getting all worked up out of fear of being judged. Ghost silently leaned towards me; his right arm reaching out. Was I... In trouble? was I about to die?!?
I smelled his natural body scent and my skin crawled in pure excitement. My inner thigh muscles tightened; I felt a tingle down there. My nipples responded to the arousal; I was hoping he didn't notice anything!
While I was spiraling on my overthinking, he got right back up, holding a sealed bottle of peach flavored iced tea. He handed it to me, still staring at my soul.

- Enjoy.

- T-thank you, Ghost...

- Not a problem. - he closed the fridge door without breaking the eye contact.

I pulled the bottle of iced tea near me and proceeded to walk back to the bedroom. Ghost was following me, attentive of every move I was making. Although I was feeling attracted to him, the stalking behavior was making me uncomfortable.
But I was his uninvited guest, and his military mindset was probably seeing me with suspicion... Understandable, but scary either way.
As we arrived at his bedroom, he also entered, still silent. At this point I was feeling like I was being tortured, so I decided to sit on the cubic ottoman that he had there. That's when I felt I was wet... I would only get up after he leaves, that's for sure!
Ghost calmly pulled the chair desk and sat in front of me.

- Am I in trouble...? - I was struggling to open the bottle out of sheer nervousness.

- Maybe. - he was sitting the same way as last night. I was doomed...

- Look, I'm sorry for everything so far... Just don't hurt me, please...

- Why would I hurt you?

- I... I don't know! For crossing the line, I guess?

- You did nothing wrong. - he extended his hand, signaling to give him the bottle. He easily opened and gave it back.

- So why are you chasing me around like that?!?

- I find you intriguing.

- If you have questions, just ask them! I have nothing to hide, anyway...

As I was sipping the iced tea, Ghost was still studying me. At some point, he would briefly put his hands on both pockets and get a bit restless. I tried to deviate my eyes off him as much as I could. I didn't want to get embarrassed a second time in a row... But I was also getting a little bit scared by his behavior. I was starting to circle on catastrophic thoughts.

- You seem young. What's your age?

- I'm 28. - I crossed my ankles as I was trying to regain control of my fear. 

- MacTavish mentioned you were being harassed. Who's the lad?

- A co-worker. He's honestly nauseating.

- I'll take your word for that. -his tone seemed a bit friendlier. - What he wanted?

- I rejected him in front of everybody at work. He's always been pushy towards the women there. Some girls before me tried to file a sexual harassment claim against him, but it always died down.

- Why? Is he someone's favorite? - Ghost leaned forward his torso, taking interest in my situation.

- He's the general management's nephew. The power dynamic there is visible, and he clearly abuses it. If I didn't need the job, I would have quit a long time ago.

- So, the uncle is an enabler. Hm.

- To put it simply, yes. - I looked at Ghost's eyes for a moment. He matched my stare. - I don't know how I am going to deal with him once I go back to work in the morning, but I can only hope for the best, because the worst I already have.

Ghost was awfully quiet; like he was delving in his own thoughts. For a long minute, he was glancing at me and back into his mind. Suddenly I could see a brief smirk being formed under his balaclava... What was his plan?

- You're going to quit.

- Wait, what?!? - I got startled, my eyes widened in disbelief. - I told you, I need the job!

- The team can hire you.

- Wait, what team?!? - I was getting even more confused.

- The regiment I work for.

- Seriously!? - my eyes widened in disbelief. 

- Just get some rest. Tomorrow morning, we can discuss on ways to help you out.

Ghost got up from his seat and had patted me on the head. He closed the door as he left, while I was there still dumbfounded from what I just witnessed.
Just wait a damn minute.

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